How to get Unrealized Profits on open Position?

Created at 26 Jan 2021, 20:19
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How to get Unrealized Profits on open Position?
26 Jan 2021, 20:19

Hi all, 

I'm playing around with the Open API, and I'm trying to close a position based on the amount of unrealized profit it has made. However, I cannot find the unrealized profit on a trade. This seems like a rather easy operation but I cannot seem to find the right request to send. Does anyone have any idea? 

I'm using Python, and the spotware-connect library which is actually quite nice. 



27 Jan 2021, 08:57

Hi bankerx,

This information is not available through the API. You need to calculate it yourself using the position's entry price and the current spot prices.

Best Regards,


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