cTrader Community Rules and Guidelines

For every community to function properly, a set of rules and guidelines should be set in place. Below you will find the rules and guidelines of cTrader Community.

Rules should be adhered by all community members. Non abidance to the rules might lead to drastic measures taken by the community moderators/administrators like warning, post deletion or even member blocking.

Guidelines are optional but will make your life easier inside the community. They are proven ways to make the community function better.


  1. Content. All content posted on the community forum should be relative to the cTrader ecosystem. Irrelevant content is subject to immediate deletion.
  2. Advertisement. All kind of advertisement that is irrelevant to cTrader or conflicts in any way with cTrader or companies using cTrader is strictly forbidden and subject to immediate deletion. It is acceptable to advertise only products that are part of cTrader Ecosystem like cBots, Indicators, Open API applications and services, as well as consulting services related to cTrader. Broker naming is strictly restricted to brokers using cTrader and only for reporting issues related to their cTrader platform. Any other direct or indirect discussion and mentioning of brokers and broker activities that are irrelevant to cTrader and its ecosystem is not allowed.
  3. Discussion Ethics. Discussion in the community should be held in a civilized manner. Personal attacks, defamation, name calling and inappropriate tone are not tolerated and posts violating this rule are subject to immediate deletion.
  4. Privacy . Disclosure of private information or any other unauthorized material belonging to third parties without their explicit approval is prohibited and posts violating this rule will be deleted immediately.


  1. Posts. When posting a new topic, try to follow the below guidelines
    1. Title. Your title should summarise clearly the topic of your post. This way it will be easier to get community members to click and read your post. For example, a title like “How can I add Trailing Stop loss to a Martingale cBot?” is much more effective than a title like “Need help with cBot. PLEASE HELP !!!!”
    2. Post. When creating a post and expecting help from the community, try to be as descriptive as possible, providing concise description and wherever applicable the relevant code, steps to reproduce, screenshots and videos. You need to make it as easy as possible to community members to understand what you need.. If they don’t understand what you need in the first place, they will probably skip your post without bothering to ask for clarifications.  
  1. Replies. Your replies to posts should be inline with the original post. Try to add new information to the discussion and avoid posting irrelevant or redundant information. Keep subjects coherent. Do not derail the discussion, neither open new subjects in existing threads. Long threads and discussions irrelevent to the original post affect readability and discoverability of the discussion.
  2. Suggestions. Post your suggestions in the relevant sections. Product teams visit the Suggestions sections at regular intervals in order to prioritize and add new features in their backlogs. If your suggestion is not in the Suggestions section, it might go unnoticed.
  3. Bug Reports and Issues. cTrader Community is mainly a place for exchanging ideas and information between community members. Although cTrader staff is engaging into discussions and mediates for the resolution of problems, the community is not monitored and moderated 24/7. Therefore, for bugs and serious issues you are advised to contact your broker’s support. If needed your broker will contact our 24/6 support team and mediate for the resolution of your problem.
  4. Profile . Add to your profile as much information as possible. Change your cTrader to a more distinct name or nickname. Avatars or pictures would be helpful as well.