
15 Apr 2016, 01:14

Could someone from Spotware please comment on this?

I conducted a brief trial on demo opening large positions with limit orders, and all of the open/close position events raised were for the full position.  Does this mean that partial fills do not happen?   Or are partial fills possible, only they're not reported via events?

This is an important matter to clarify.

Thanks ...



31 Mar 2016, 12:18

Thanks guys.


14 Mar 2016, 22:30


Paul_Hayes said:

Paul_Hayes said:

Hi Stech,

I would use TFS or GIT with Visual Studio for Source Integrity (version control) , they are both free for small teams and amazing tools. One simple feature is that if you make a mistake you can roll-back to the last time you checked in the code.

You can use drop-box for weekly backups.



I forgot to say that when you check-in your code it is all safe on a Microsoft Cloud Server.

Thanks Paul.  Isn't Microsoft Cloud Service a paid service (beyond initial free trial)?

I want to be able to check code in and out while disconnected to the internet, so I'm guessing a git-based solution would be best.  Also I need to quickly sync my code between my laptop and home PC.   Based on these requirements, would using Visual Studio + GIT repo on Dropbox be a good fit?

Cheers ...




14 Mar 2016, 12:28 ( Updated at: 24 Mar 2016, 14:19 )

This post was removed by moderator because it duplicates another post. /forum/indicator-support/3697
