Account statement should be more detailed

Created at 21 Sep 2018, 09:35
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Joined 15.10.2018

Account statement should be more detailed
21 Sep 2018, 09:35

It should have graphical representation of the portfolio and more statistical data on orders. Lets put it in traders's words like MT4 detailed statement without the useless data of MT4. A graphical representation of the account for the period in question as well as statistical data for positions, it would fine. Especially if the best and worst positions' performance could be illustrated so that the trader could assess "what happened" in those cases. The period and the amount of data presented in the statement should be available to trader to alter. For example, for his assessment the trader would like to see particular dates, statistical data for positions and performance while for presenting it to "clients", he/she could just provide portfolio performance, graphical representation as well as positions.

The above feature is useful for portfolio managers as well as mini lot accounts.
