Backtesting as method

Created at 04 Sep 2013, 04:09
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Joined 23.07.2012

Backtesting as method
04 Sep 2013, 04:09

Hi everybody,


I was looking for a file generated by the backtesting 2013-09-03 21-45-16 History - SR_Fibo (GBPJPY, h4, 4500000, 21, 54, 10, 1000, 80) and i thought to myself, is there a way to open the backtesting inside another robot... call it as a method

SR_Fibo (GBPJPY, h4, 4500000, 21, 54, 10, 1000, 80)


This way i can right a simple program to optimze the features of my trading system.


Is it possible?


Tks in advance


04 Sep 2013, 10:20

If you want to analyze exported deals file you can also use

Here is a description: /forum/cbot-support/1353


04 Sep 2013, 10:51


hermoso said:

Hi everybody,

I was looking for a file generated by the backtesting 2013-09-03 21-45-16 History - SR_Fibo (GBPJPY, h4, 4500000, 21, 54, 10, 1000, 80) and i thought to myself, is there a way to open the backtesting inside another robot... call it as a method

SR_Fibo (GBPJPY, h4, 4500000, 21, 54, 10, 1000, 80)

This way i can right a simple program to optimze the features of my trading system.

Is it possible?

Tks in advance

Do you mean to read the backtesting file from a method? 


05 Sep 2013, 02:04

Sorry, i think i was not clear. I want to know if its possible to start a backtest from inside a robot


Something like this:

for(var i=1;i>10;i++

results = myrobot.Backtest (GBPJPY, h4, 4500000, i, 54, 10, 1000, 80);



This is useful to optimize the value used for the indicators. Is it clear now? 


Tks guys


05 Sep 2013, 14:45


hermoso said:

Sorry, i think i was not clear. I want to know if its possible to start a backtest from inside a robot

Something like this:

for(var i=1;i>10;i++

results = myrobot.Backtest (GBPJPY, h4, 4500000, i, 54, 10, 1000, 80);


This is useful to optimize the value used for the indicators. Is it clear now? 

Tks guys

It is not possible to do that right now. We will consider adding such a feature in the future. 


11 Sep 2013, 21:26

This is a great feature and is a step ahead of others plataforms. cAlgo will be the first to have this feature!


11 Feb 2014, 23:15

Parameter optimisation would be a very welcome addition to the platform.  Please do develop!  :)
