
05 Oct 2023, 08:19

RE: Overlaying indicator on lower panel(s)

PanagiotisChar said: 

Unfortunately there isn't such an option

Thank you again. So how is an indicator of the nature of this one placed on the selected panel only please?


04 Oct 2023, 06:31 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

RE: Overlaying indicator on lower panel(s)

PanagiotisChar said: 

Here is an example of drawing one of the lines on the lower panel

                Chart.DrawTrendLine(objNameSydney  + "_Line", startTimeSydney , ySydney , endTimeSydney , ySydney , ColorSydney , LinesThicknessSydney , LinesStyleSydney );
               Chart.DrawTrendLine(objNameTokyo   + "_Line", startTimeTokyo  , yTokyo  , endTimeTokyo  , yTokyo  , ColorTokyo  , LinesThicknessTokyo  , LinesStyleTokyo  );
               Chart.DrawTrendLine(objNameLondon  + "_Line", startTimeLondon , yLondon , endTimeLondon , yLondon , ColorLondon , LinesThicknessLondon , LinesStyleLondon );
               Chart.DrawTrendLine(objNameNewYork + "_Line", startTimeNewYork, yNewYork, endTimeNewYork, yNewYork, ColorNewYork, LinesThicknessNewYork, LinesStyleNewYork);

               if (Chart.IndicatorAreas.Count > 0)
                   foreach(var area in Chart.IndicatorAreas) 
                       double areaTopY = Math.Round(area.TopY, Symbol.Digits);
                       double areaBottomY = Math.Round(area.BottomY, Symbol.Digits);
                       double areaYSydney = areaBottomY + (areaTopY - areaBottomY) / 5 * 4;
                       area.DrawTrendLine(objNameSydney + "_Line", startTimeSydney, areaYSydney, endTimeSydney, areaYSydney, ColorSydney, LinesThicknessSydney, LinesStyleSydney);


Thanks very much!

Is there way to access this property:

…to avoid this:

It should appear only in the panel selected but I can't find a way to determine which panel is selected.


03 Oct 2023, 21:29

RE: Overlaying indicator on lower panel(s)

PanagiotisChar said: 

Can you share the complete indicator code?

using cAlgo.API;
using System;
using System.Globalization;

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class TradingTimePeriods : Indicator
        private readonly string _name = "MarketHours";

        private TimeSpan _startTimeSydney , _endTimeSydney ;
        private TimeSpan _startTimeTokyo  , _endTimeTokyo  ;
        private TimeSpan _startTimeLondon , _endTimeLondon ;
        private TimeSpan _startTimeNewYork, _endTimeNewYork;

        private bool _isLinesPlotted;

        [Parameter("Start Local Time", DefaultValue = "07:00", Group = "Sydney")]
        public string StartTimeSydney { get; set; }

        [Parameter("End Local Time", DefaultValue = "16:00", Group = "Sydney")]
        public string EndTimeSydney { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Color", DefaultValue = "FF008000", Group = "Sydney")]
        public Color ColorSydney { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Transparency", DefaultValue = 50, MaxValue = 255, MinValue = 0, Group = "Sydney")]
        public int TransparencySydney { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Thickness", DefaultValue = 3, Group = "Sydney")]
        public int LinesThicknessSydney { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Style", DefaultValue = LineStyle.Dots, Group = "Sydney")]
        public LineStyle LinesStyleSydney { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Start Local Time", DefaultValue = "10:00", Group = "Tokyo")]
        public string StartTimeTokyo { get; set; }

        [Parameter("End Local Time", DefaultValue = "19:00", Group = "Tokyo")]
        public string EndTimeTokyo { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Color", DefaultValue = "FF0070C0", Group = "Tokyo")]
        public Color ColorTokyo { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Transparency", DefaultValue = 50, MaxValue = 255, MinValue = 0, Group = "Tokyo")]
        public int TransparencyTokyo { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Thickness", DefaultValue = 3, Group = "Tokyo")]
        public int LinesThicknessTokyo { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Style", DefaultValue = LineStyle.Dots, Group = "Tokyo")]
        public LineStyle LinesStyleTokyo { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Start Local Time", DefaultValue = "17:00", Group = "London")]
        public string StartTimeLondon { get; set; }

        [Parameter("End Local Time", DefaultValue = "2:00", Group = "London")]
        public string EndTimeLondon { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Color", DefaultValue = "FFB3B3B3", Group = "London")]
        public Color ColorLondon { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Transparency", DefaultValue = 50, MaxValue = 255, MinValue = 0, Group = "London")]
        public int TransparencyLondon { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Thickness", DefaultValue = 3, Group = "London")]
        public int LinesThicknessLondon { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Style", DefaultValue = LineStyle.Dots, Group = "London")]
        public LineStyle LinesStyleLondon { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Start Local Time", DefaultValue = "22:00", Group = "New York")]
        public string StartTimeNewYork { get; set; }

        [Parameter("End Local Time", DefaultValue = "7:00", Group = "New York")]
        public string EndTimeNewYork { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Color", DefaultValue = "FFFF3334", Group = "New York")]
        public Color ColorNewYork { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Transparency", DefaultValue = 50, MaxValue = 255, MinValue = 0, Group = "New York")]
        public int TransparencyNewYork { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Thickness", DefaultValue = 3, Group = "New York")]
        public int LinesThicknessNewYork { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Style", DefaultValue = LineStyle.Dots, Group = "New York")]
        public LineStyle LinesStyleNewYork { get; set; }

        protected override void Initialize()
            // Ensure the time formats are valid (HH:mm)
            if (!IsValidTimeFormat(StartTimeSydney ) || !IsValidTimeFormat(EndTimeSydney ) ||
                !IsValidTimeFormat(StartTimeTokyo  ) || !IsValidTimeFormat(EndTimeTokyo  ) ||
                !IsValidTimeFormat(StartTimeLondon ) || !IsValidTimeFormat(EndTimeLondon ) ||
                !IsValidTimeFormat(StartTimeNewYork) || !IsValidTimeFormat(EndTimeNewYork))
                Print("Invalid time format. Please use HH:mm format.");
            Chart.SizeChanged += Chart_SizeChanged;

            Application.UserTimeOffsetChanged += Application_UserTimeOffsetChanged;

        private void Chart_SizeChanged(ChartSizeEventArgs obj)
            _isLinesPlotted = false;
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (!IsLastBar || _isLinesPlotted) return;

            _isLinesPlotted = true;

            // Y position
            double topY     = Math.Round(Chart.TopY   , Symbol.Digits);
            double bottomY  = Math.Round(Chart.BottomY, Symbol.Digits);
            // double topY     = IndicatorArea.TopY   ;
            // double bottomY  = IndicatorArea.BottomY;
            double ySydney  = bottomY + (topY - bottomY) / 5 * 4;
            double yTokyo   = bottomY + (topY - bottomY) / 5 * 3;
            double yLondon  = bottomY + (topY - bottomY) / 5 * 2;
            double yNewYork = bottomY + (topY - bottomY) / 5 * 1;

            TimeSpan t = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
            if (_endTimeSydney < _startTimeSydney)
                _endTimeSydney += t;
            if (_endTimeTokyo < _startTimeTokyo)
                _endTimeTokyo += t;
            if (_endTimeLondon < _startTimeLondon)
                _endTimeLondon += t;
            if (_endTimeNewYork < _startTimeNewYork)
                _endTimeNewYork += t;
            for (DateTime currentTime = Bars.OpenTimes[0].Date; currentTime <= Bars.Last(0).OpenTime.Date.AddDays(1); currentTime = currentTime.AddDays(1))
                if (currentTime.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || currentTime.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) continue;
                string objNameSydney  = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2:yyyyMMdd}", _name, "Sydney" , currentTime);
                string objNameTokyo   = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2:yyyyMMdd}", _name, "Tokyo"  , currentTime);
                string objNameLondon  = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2:yyyyMMdd}", _name, "London" , currentTime);
                string objNameNewYork = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2:yyyyMMdd}", _name, "NewYork", currentTime);
                DateTime startTimeSydney  = currentTime.Add(_startTimeSydney );
                DateTime startTimeTokyo   = currentTime.Add(_startTimeTokyo  );
                DateTime startTimeLondon  = currentTime.Add(_startTimeLondon );
                DateTime startTimeNewYork = currentTime.Add(_startTimeNewYork);
                DateTime endTimeSydney  = currentTime.Add(_endTimeSydney );
                DateTime endTimeTokyo   = currentTime.Add(_endTimeTokyo  );
                DateTime endTimeLondon  = currentTime.Add(_endTimeLondon );
                DateTime endTimeNewYork = currentTime.Add(_endTimeNewYork);
                IndicatorArea.DrawTrendLine(objNameSydney  + "_Line", startTimeSydney , ySydney , endTimeSydney , ySydney , ColorSydney , LinesThicknessSydney , LinesStyleSydney );
                IndicatorArea.DrawTrendLine(objNameTokyo   + "_Line", startTimeTokyo  , yTokyo  , endTimeTokyo  , yTokyo  , ColorTokyo  , LinesThicknessTokyo  , LinesStyleTokyo  );
                IndicatorArea.DrawTrendLine(objNameLondon  + "_Line", startTimeLondon , yLondon , endTimeLondon , yLondon , ColorLondon , LinesThicknessLondon , LinesStyleLondon );
                IndicatorArea.DrawTrendLine(objNameNewYork + "_Line", startTimeNewYork, yNewYork, endTimeNewYork, yNewYork, ColorNewYork, LinesThicknessNewYork, LinesStyleNewYork);

                Chart.DrawTrendLine(objNameSydney  + "_Line", startTimeSydney , ySydney , endTimeSydney , ySydney , ColorSydney , LinesThicknessSydney , LinesStyleSydney );
                Chart.DrawTrendLine(objNameTokyo   + "_Line", startTimeTokyo  , yTokyo  , endTimeTokyo  , yTokyo  , ColorTokyo  , LinesThicknessTokyo  , LinesStyleTokyo  );
                Chart.DrawTrendLine(objNameLondon  + "_Line", startTimeLondon , yLondon , endTimeLondon , yLondon , ColorLondon , LinesThicknessLondon , LinesStyleLondon );
                Chart.DrawTrendLine(objNameNewYork + "_Line", startTimeNewYork, yNewYork, endTimeNewYork, yNewYork, ColorNewYork, LinesThicknessNewYork, LinesStyleNewYork);

                IndicatorArea.DrawText(objNameSydney  + "StartLabelSydney" , "Sydney" , startTimeSydney , ySydney , ColorSydney );
                IndicatorArea.DrawText(objNameTokyo   + "StartLabelTokyo"  , "Tokyo"  , startTimeTokyo  , yTokyo  , ColorTokyo  );
                IndicatorArea.DrawText(objNameLondon  + "StartLabelLondon" , "London" , startTimeLondon , yLondon , ColorLondon );
                IndicatorArea.DrawText(objNameNewYork + "StartLabelNewYork", "NewYork", startTimeNewYork, yNewYork, ColorNewYork);

                Chart.DrawText(objNameSydney  + "_Label", "Sydney" , startTimeSydney , ySydney , ColorSydney );
                Chart.DrawText(objNameTokyo   + "_Label", "Tokyo"  , startTimeTokyo  , yTokyo  , ColorTokyo  );
                Chart.DrawText(objNameLondon  + "_Label", "London" , startTimeLondon , yLondon , ColorLondon );
                Chart.DrawText(objNameNewYork + "_Label", "NewYork", startTimeNewYork, yNewYork, ColorNewYork);
        private void Application_UserTimeOffsetChanged(UserTimeOffsetChangedEventArgs obj)

            _isLinesPlotted = false;

        private void ParseTimes()
            // Start times
            if (TimeSpan.TryParse(StartTimeSydney, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _startTimeSydney))
                _startTimeSydney = _startTimeSydney.Add(-Application.UserTimeOffset);

            if (TimeSpan.TryParse(StartTimeTokyo, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _startTimeTokyo))
                _startTimeTokyo = _startTimeTokyo.Add(-Application.UserTimeOffset);

            if (TimeSpan.TryParse(StartTimeLondon, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _startTimeLondon))
                _startTimeLondon = _startTimeLondon.Add(-Application.UserTimeOffset);

            if (TimeSpan.TryParse(StartTimeNewYork, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _startTimeNewYork))
                _startTimeNewYork = _startTimeNewYork.Add(-Application.UserTimeOffset);
            // End times
            if (TimeSpan.TryParse(EndTimeSydney, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _endTimeSydney))
                _endTimeSydney = _endTimeSydney.Add(-Application.UserTimeOffset);

            if (TimeSpan.TryParse(EndTimeTokyo, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _endTimeTokyo))
                _endTimeTokyo = _endTimeTokyo.Add(-Application.UserTimeOffset);

            if (TimeSpan.TryParse(EndTimeLondon, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _endTimeLondon))
                _endTimeLondon = _endTimeLondon.Add(-Application.UserTimeOffset);

            if (TimeSpan.TryParse(EndTimeNewYork, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _endTimeNewYork))
                _endTimeNewYork = _endTimeNewYork.Add(-Application.UserTimeOffset);

        private bool IsValidTimeFormat(string time)
            // Validate that the time string has the format HH:mm
            return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(time, @"^([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$");


03 Oct 2023, 00:56 ( Updated at: 03 Oct 2023, 05:25 )

RE: Overlaying indicator on lower panel(s)

PanagiotisChar said: 

Hi there,

You need to draw your lines in the IndicatorArea instead.

Thank you.

I tried that and the lines just disappear whether I put the indicator on the Chart or a lower panel:

Chart.DrawTrendLine(objNameSydney  + "_Line", startTimeSydney , ySydney , endTimeSydney , ySydney , ColorSydney , LinesThicknessSydney , LinesStyleSydney );

IndicatorArea.DrawTrendLine(objNameSydney  + " Line", startTimeSydney , ySydney , endTimeSydney , ySydney , ColorSydney , LinesThicknessSydney , LinesStyleSydney );

Any other thoughts?
