
28 Jan 2016, 08:30


kricka said:


I understand the problem running several cTrader's on a VPS at the same time. It takes too much of resources especially from the RAM memory used. To run cTrader without problems it will take 1GB RAM on the VPS. Running 3 cTrader's as in your case we are talking about 2.5-3GB RAM needed. RAM memory is very expensive on a VPS and of course it would be nice to be able to use just one instance of cTrader and several accounts opened at the same time. 

Also to be in control of several accounts and maybe different brokers too can be confusing and hard to have a good oversight of all the accounts. Have a look at this thread where you can download Broker 1.0 cBot which can easily be run on all the accounts to give a better control of all the different trading accounts.




Right Now, I can already open. I double click short cut in desktop
then login other account , you can open multi account same broker,same time and same VPS.


Thank you very much.
