09 Feb 2020, 00:44
21 Jan 2020, 11:48
03 Apr 2019, 11:42
19 Dec 2015, 01:53
19 Dec 2015, 01:47

21 Sep 2024, 23:31

RE: Broker Renko scale set too high

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

Pip size is configured by the broker and unfortunately none of what you are asking for is available at the moment.

Best regards,


What can I do to get Spotware to make this available asap? At least the 5000.0 pips inclusion


14 Sep 2024, 20:19

RE: RE: RE: Lost profit when closing

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

rob.p.marshall said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi Rob,

I don't see anything weird in the screenshots. The commissions are applied on each deal, therefore in Positions tab you will only see the opening deal's commission. The rest of the commissions is applied on closing the position. Nevertheless, the entire commission amount. See screenshot below

Regarding your screenshots, I cannot associate the deals to the positions since the entry prices are different. Therefore you are probably comparing different things.

Best regards,


Please refer to my charts above. I agree that at present the Positions TAB commission of 446.93 is a commission attributed to the purchase side of the open position. The Net AUD is the Gross AUD less twice the Commission. Therefore Gross AUD less Comm X 2 =Net AUD. Calculated as 3577.02 - 893.86 =2683.16. This is correct in the Positions TAB but the commission should be the round trip amount not half. This should be changed in cTrader.

However, if the market price did not change, there is no swap and a position is closed then the Net AUD amount in the Positions TAB of 2683.16 should be the same in the History TAB. The closing Gross AUD has changed between the Position Tab amount and the History TAB of 3577.02 to a lower amount of 2682.72. 

The Gross AUD amount in the Positions TAB and the Gross AUD in the History Tab should be the same when a position is closed. Being mindful that the market price has not changed. Therefore the History TAB Net AUD should be 2683.16 and NOT 1788.65

The Net AUD in the Position Tab should be what the trader expects to be attributed to their account balance when that position is closed (when the market did not move)

Please look at this issue more closely. The Gross AUD has secretly been changed when the market price did not move. I tested this on 140 trades and all were the same.

Hi Rob,

The Net AUD in the Position Tab should be what the trader expects to be attributed to their account balance when that position is closed (when the market did not move)

There is no indication in the screenshots that the market has not moved. As I can see in the screenshots, the pips are different indicating that the closing price is different to the bid price at the moment you captured the screenshot for the positions.

Hi Panagiotis

I took the above screenshots from a video. The market did NOT move. The issue is that cTrader changes the market price when a trade is closed by 0.5. I did this 140 times and every outcome was the same. Every time there was a difference of 0.5 pips exactly of the closing price which decreased my profit. If you say that the market moved then the difference would NOT be exactly 0.5 pips every time and at least half of the 140 trades would have the pips added and not deducted. THERE WAS NO MOVEMENT IN MARKET PRICE. Give me a way to send you a large video file and I will do a new video that will clearly show that there is NO movement in the market price. And the Offer price in the History TAB has been reduced (Opening Buy Positions) and a higher Market price when there was a Sell Open position.

Issue 1. The Commission in the Positions TAB should be X 2. It should be the amount of both enter and exit of the trade.

Issue 2. The NET AUD in the Positions TAB should be the exact Gross AUD less commission and swap. This allows the trader to know the exact profit (or loss) that will be attributed to their account if the position is closed at market price (being mindful that a change may occur if the market price moves during the milliseconds it takes to exit the position.)

Issue 3. When a position is closed and therefore moves from the Positions TAB to the History Tab the NET AUD in both TABS should be the same. (being mindful of any market price change during the exiting process which may add or deduct from the Potions Tab Net AUD amount)


14 Sep 2024, 20:19

RE: RE: RE: Lost profit when closing

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

rob.p.marshall said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi Rob,

I don't see anything weird in the screenshots. The commissions are applied on each deal, therefore in Positions tab you will only see the opening deal's commission. The rest of the commissions is applied on closing the position. Nevertheless, the entire commission amount. See screenshot below

Regarding your screenshots, I cannot associate the deals to the positions since the entry prices are different. Therefore you are probably comparing different things.

Best regards,


Please refer to my charts above. I agree that at present the Positions TAB commission of 446.93 is a commission attributed to the purchase side of the open position. The Net AUD is the Gross AUD less twice the Commission. Therefore Gross AUD less Comm X 2 =Net AUD. Calculated as 3577.02 - 893.86 =2683.16. This is correct in the Positions TAB but the commission should be the round trip amount not half. This should be changed in cTrader.

However, if the market price did not change, there is no swap and a position is closed then the Net AUD amount in the Positions TAB of 2683.16 should be the same in the History TAB. The closing Gross AUD has changed between the Position Tab amount and the History TAB of 3577.02 to a lower amount of 2682.72. 

The Gross AUD amount in the Positions TAB and the Gross AUD in the History Tab should be the same when a position is closed. Being mindful that the market price has not changed. Therefore the History TAB Net AUD should be 2683.16 and NOT 1788.65

The Net AUD in the Position Tab should be what the trader expects to be attributed to their account balance when that position is closed (when the market did not move)

Please look at this issue more closely. The Gross AUD has secretly been changed when the market price did not move. I tested this on 140 trades and all were the same.

Hi Rob,

The Net AUD in the Position Tab should be what the trader expects to be attributed to their account balance when that position is closed (when the market did not move)

There is no indication in the screenshots that the market has not moved. As I can see in the screenshots, the pips are different indicating that the closing price is different to the bid price at the moment you captured the screenshot for the positions.

Hi Panagiotis

I took the above screenshots from a video. The market did NOT move. The issue is that cTrader changes the market price when a trade is closed by 0.5. I did this 140 times and every outcome was the same. Every time there was a difference of 0.5 pips exactly of the closing price which decreased my profit. If you say that the market moved then the difference would NOT be exactly 0.5 pips every time and at least half of the 140 trades would have the pips added and not deducted. THERE WAS NO MOVEMENT IN MARKET PRICE. Give me a way to send you a large video file and I will do a new video that will clearly show that there is NO movement in the market price. And the Offer price in the History TAB has been reduced (Opening Buy Positions) and a higher Market price when there was a Sell Open position.

Issue 1. The Commission in the Positions TAB should be X 2. It should be the amount of both enter and exit of the trade.

Issue 2. The NET AUD in the Positions TAB should be the exact Gross AUD less commission and swap. This allows the trader to know the exact profit (or loss) that will be attributed to their account if the position is closed at market price (being mindful that a change may occur if the market price moves during the milliseconds it takes to exit the position.)

Issue 3. When a position is closed and therefore moves from the Positions TAB to the History Tab the NET AUD in both TABS should be the same. (being mindful of any market price change during the exiting process which may add or deduct from the Potions Tab Net AUD amount)


13 Sep 2024, 09:02

RE: Lost profit when closing

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi Rob,

I don't see anything weird in the screenshots. The commissions are applied on each deal, therefore in Positions tab you will only see the opening deal's commission. The rest of the commissions is applied on closing the position. Nevertheless, the entire commission amount. See screenshot below

Regarding your screenshots, I cannot associate the deals to the positions since the entry prices are different. Therefore you are probably comparing different things.

Best regards,


Please refer to my charts above. I agree that at present the Positions TAB commission of 446.93 is a commission attributed to the purchase side of the open position. The Net AUD is the Gross AUD less twice the Commission. Therefore Gross AUD less Comm X 2 =Net AUD. Calculated as 3577.02 - 893.86 =2683.16. This is correct in the Positions TAB but the commission should be the round trip amount not half. This should be changed in cTrader.

However, if the market price did not change, there is no swap and a position is closed then the Net AUD amount in the Positions TAB of 2683.16 should be the same in the History TAB. The closing Gross AUD has changed between the Position Tab amount and the History TAB of 3577.02 to a lower amount of 2682.72. 

The Gross AUD amount in the Positions TAB and the Gross AUD in the History Tab should be the same when a position is closed. Being mindful that the market price has not changed. Therefore the History TAB Net AUD should be 2683.16 and NOT 1788.65

The Net AUD in the Position Tab should be what the trader expects to be attributed to their account balance when that position is closed (when the market did not move)

Please look at this issue more closely. The Gross AUD has secretly been changed when the market price did not move. I tested this on 140 trades and all were the same.


12 Sep 2024, 16:07

RE: Lost profit when closing

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

Can you share screenshots so that we can see at as well? Can you show all the necessary info like closing price, commissions etc?

Best regards,


You can see that the top trade on the left Positions Panel has a NET AUD of 2683.16. Exit the trade and that trade moves to the right History panel. There is no movement in the price and no swap.

Issue 1) Net AUD in Positions TAB wrong. You will note that commission has already been applied in the Positions Panel of 446.93. But the difference between Gross AUD and Net AUD is 3577.02 less 2683.16 =893.86. When the position is closed, the Net AUD should be 3577.02 less 446.93 =3130.09. Note that if the Commission of 446.93 was in USD then that would convert to (446.93/0.67122=665.85)

Issue 2) Conversion of Net AUD when position closed. Next, you will see that when a Position is closed (no movement in price) a far greater commission is applied. Gross AUD in the positions Tab of 3577.02 to a Net AUD in the History Tab of 1788.66 is a difference of 1788.36 and should be only 446.93.

The Net Profit in the History Tab should be 3577.02 less 446.93 = 3130.09

Note that I closed 140 trades and every trade was the same. There appears to be an additional commission charge of 0.9 pip (9 points) on every trade.


24 Aug 2023, 00:45 ( Updated at: 24 Aug 2023, 01:04 )

I also have the same problem. The errors in the log are:

11/02/2023 01:39:17.037 | CBot instance [FuryB 0.21.2, AUDUSD, Re8] crashed with error #FDDE36C4.




23 Aug 2023, 21:42

Try Sascha at


13 Jun 2022, 10:55

"Go To Date"

Search up "Go To Date" indicator. All you do is hold the SHift key and press the G key and you can go to any date.


28 Dec 2021, 07:32

and Renko back testing please asap.


10 Nov 2021, 12:29


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi to both,

Thanks for reporting this problem. We will fix it.


Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

Thanks, Panagiotis. Have you a time frame when this will be fixed? It is very important to my work.


01 Mar 2020, 12:32


catalin.rimaru said:

When choosing backtesting Start & End dates add the option to select also Hour, Minute and Second in the date picker. 

and also have it start and finish in local time.


26 Feb 2020, 12:15

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!. I looked everywhere and didn't see this little alien face. I always wondered what that was for.


26 Feb 2020, 12:00

Yes I understand that in cTrader Trade I can detach a chart. But how did you get the cBot Instance to appear at the bottom left of the chart above? Further my cBot prints certain objects on the charts in Automate that I want to replicate exactly in cTrader Trade charts. My email is if it would be easier to communicate.


26 Feb 2020, 11:35

Panagiotis thanks for the reply and chart snapshot. How did you do this? 
