02 Feb 2017, 17:54
28 Jul 2015, 20:15
21 Jun 2015, 07:10
16 Jun 2015, 08:50
30 May 2015, 00:50
10 Apr 2015, 03:48
21 Mar 2015, 01:45
17 Sep 2014, 22:21
12 Sep 2014, 20:31
11 Sep 2014, 02:33
17 Jul 2014, 23:07
02 May 2014, 00:55
13 Apr 2014, 02:49
23 Jan 2014, 22:15
20 Jan 2014, 17:50
23 Oct 2013, 01:46

27 Apr 2017, 23:39

Comments and labels have to be configured in the cBot code of cAlgo and will be carried out in cAlgo robots and cTader the same.

There are several robots that are free to download and free to use that have these important features built into the code on our website.


27 Apr 2017, 22:53

By dragging the parameters window within cAlgo, all the parameters will show up correctly. Doing the same thing in cTrader and you are stuck. This is something Spotware have to fix so by enlarging the window in cTrader, the parameters will show up exactly as it does in cAlgo.


24 Apr 2017, 22:53

First look if there is anything in the log file that will give you a hint on why the cBot is stopped. Sometimes by rearranging the code within the OnTick() or the OnBar() section can solve it, depending on where the execution code is located that is causing the error.


20 Apr 2017, 22:16

Only demo accounts

A demo version "only" can be coded with a few lines of the code of the cBot.

protected override void OnStart()


if (Account.IsLive)
                Print("This is a demo account and the cBot is running");  




18 Apr 2017, 21:05

Better resolution on presented charts is needed. the resolution on monitors and graphic cards are evolving higher and the trading platforms have to keep up with this. cAlgo and cTrader are lacking behind at this point and need to be upgraded, so the resolution aspect for programmers have the right tools to be able to present their creations in the right light to the trading community.


18 Apr 2017, 19:05

Free to download and free to use.

Have a look at what can be done with simple cAlgo coding at Most of the robots are free to download and use in a demo or a live account environment.


17 Apr 2017, 16:04

The best way to get cAlgo correctly installed is to do it from the broker of choice for a free demo. After the download is completed it should install just fine. Never really had any problem with that. If in your case the problem still exists, maybe bad ram memory or a bad internet connection is causing the problem.


13 Apr 2017, 00:04

The full list

Hey "lec0456" we all would like to have the whole list of CMirror brokers, not just the once featured on the Spotware site.


12 Apr 2017, 22:55

"Anka Software" I fully understand your concern in this matter. The best solution would be if the general API had a function or a method to address this issue, without being directed to a specific broker to handle and to carry out the concerns of risk and money management.


12 Apr 2017, 21:16

The Quick Trade setting should normally be preserved after closing and restarting the cTrader. If not, it's probably a bad internet connection at the time of exiting.


12 Apr 2017, 02:52

Windows 7, very reliable for cAlgo

Windows 7 is not the problem, this OS is one of the most used versions that do not give any problems for the trader. I have not had any problems whatsoever with this version when it comes to cAlgo or cTrader. Double check your hardware and internet connection just in case there are something you overlooked that can disturb the connection. Also, delete any folders created before installing a new cAlgo installation.


11 Apr 2017, 01:23

Major update needed

One font and one size are just not enough to present a cBot visual for traders nowadays. With the high resolution monitors becoming a norm for traders, my question is why there is not an update in several years to this so important method.


11 Apr 2017, 00:58

Memory problems

Your problem sounds more like a computer and memory problem not being able to handle the information coming from the cAlgo. Try to delete your cAlgo installation and download it again and reinstall it directly from the broker of choice. Also, it can be the internet speed not fast enough to download all the information needed for cAlgo.  


07 Apr 2017, 22:58

Live accounts

Have a look at the API, Internals. Here is a link to read more about it. 



07 Apr 2017, 22:34

Rearrange your code

Try to rearrange your code within "OnTick()" if that is where your code is located that causes the specific error. Sometimes by moving a code to another section of the execution script will help to solve a problem like this.


05 Apr 2017, 00:49

Multiple orders

If you are placing market orders the Market Order 2.0 remembers your initial setting, even if you restart cTrader or reboot your computer. It is free to download and use with either demo or live accounts, check it out on this link: Market Order 2.0


01 Apr 2017, 00:24

No source code

Not showing the source code is as "Hjozan" explained the fastest way to distribute a cBot without the original code. Just copy the cAlgo file under the "Robots" folder and ignore the folder itself with the same name under "Robots", Before distributing the cBot always double check that the file is only read and not edited abled.


19 Mar 2017, 21:45

Swap and risk management

Swap is not really a reality until it is actually carried out. If there is a history of swap it can maybe be calculated based on that history. Still as "huguh" says there are so many parameters that need to be filled to be able to do that. Regarding risk management, it is of interest and should be included if positions are in place. Market Order 3.0 has swap included in the overall risk management and more information and download can be had at this link: Market Order 3.0 


13 Mar 2017, 18:08

unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to skip the hassle of re-coding your code as it is complex. Even then the MT4 code is so different that it might not even be a possible to recode it in the exact way you want it. cAlgo has it advantages with methods and functions that MT4 does not have and visa verse. My suggestion is therefore, if the MT4 EA you use is very crucial in your trading setup and that you use it within a live trading account environment, it then makes sense to actually pay for the re-coding with any of the coding providers under the consultants tab on the forum. /consultants


07 Mar 2017, 21:55

Well diego.katzman, do not really think Spotware would remove on purpose a very important feature for the trader. I would say its more like a withdrawal in case there is something that is not working right and they need to make an update before releasing it again.
