02 Feb 2017, 17:54
28 Jul 2015, 20:15
21 Jun 2015, 07:10
16 Jun 2015, 08:50
30 May 2015, 00:50
10 Apr 2015, 03:48
21 Mar 2015, 01:45
17 Sep 2014, 22:21
12 Sep 2014, 20:31
11 Sep 2014, 02:33
17 Jul 2014, 23:07
02 May 2014, 00:55
13 Apr 2014, 02:49
23 Jan 2014, 22:15
20 Jan 2014, 17:50
23 Oct 2013, 01:46

17 Jul 2013, 19:54


we are all waiting for the encryption possibilities within cAlgo, as hichem mentioned the cAlgo team are working on it. Way to cumbersome to do it within Visual Studio. The best soloution would be to encrypt within the cAlgo platform itself. The cAlgo developer team have said, it "soon" will be available.


16 Jul 2013, 06:36

Hi voirin,

the export to excel is possible with the last update. Click on the history tab and then right click anywhere in the trade history list. Only the fields check marked will be exported to excel.


13 Jul 2013, 03:25

Hi diogene823,

i fully agree with you, way too easy to hit the Close All when intending to hit the last trade in the list. I have suggested to the developer team to include buttons for the Close All, Close winners, Close losers, Close orders, Reverse etc. on the right side of the screen, in the toolbar area. Then you can even have cAlgo or cTrader in full screen too without even seeing the position list. If you trade on smaller devices like a laptop or a tablet its a necessity to have the platform in full screen. Hope they fix it. 


29 Jun 2013, 04:39

Hi, silverpuma

the best way is to read as much as you can on the forum itself. It's a wealth of information from many experienced developers, posting their views on coding. Learn the cAlgo API and try start from all the samples posted in the forums. Also ask questions if you get stuck on a subject. The help is always there and the cAlgo staff will try to answer your questions about coding promptly and are very service minded and with great expertice.


28 Jun 2013, 07:01

Hi WillT,

to be able for your user to change parameters settings in the robot the cs file have to be readable in cAlgo. For the time being if I understand it right, the only way to make the code secured is by converting it to a dll file through Visual Studio and then obfuscate the code. I hope that cAlgo will in the near future implant encryption possibilities of the the code, for those devolopers who wish so.

This should be very high up on their list to accomplish and lets hope we will se it soon.


26 Jun 2013, 19:54


How will you enforce a protection of the code? Through DLL or is cAlgo planning to release encrypted possibilities within the platform?


23 Jun 2013, 23:02


I have also noticed when the email is delivered to the email addresses there is several copies of the same email. I'm using Account.Equity as a trigger when I Trade.Close(position). Any suggestions how to avoid several emails to be sent off?



22 Jun 2013, 09:05


Really looking forward to be able to trade CFDs in cAlgo. This will make cAlgo and cTrader a more allaround platform for traders. Also the devolopers of algorithms will have a broader market to work with. Great move if this is implemented in the platform.



22 Jun 2013, 08:48


the robot do not place any orders or position, just closing orders. So "foreach (var position in AccountPositions)" and  Trade.Close(position) is what I'm working with to try to solve the issue.




20 Jun 2013, 02:59

Hi, thanks for your reply.

I've tried both versions with the Notification after and before Trade.Close(position);. Still get the wrong balance info. Seems like its the commision maybe whats holding up the balance update.

I'm testing it on a VPS and the difference is around the commision cost and slippage too. Have a question about Trade.Close(position);, should it be placed at the bottom after every notfication? According to what you wrote it is executed before notifications even if its placed at the bottom.





11 May 2013, 17:05


good to hear you are working on adding it to the API. Then it will be possible to calculate this for a robot, not making any orders. Is this the case if you would like to calculate total commission as well?



10 May 2013, 20:16


please give us more information on how to add reference to the cAlgo.API in Visual Studio and to build the class library needed for compiling in VS..

A step by step instruction would be helpful.



09 May 2013, 10:08


great, works just fine!

I do have another question regarding pips.

What if I would like to calculate pips on all open positions and also on all closed positions.

Total pips with other words, since I started the robot.

Hope to get a reply on this too :)

Thanks for all your fantastic support!


05 May 2013, 02:15

Hi rkokerti,

look into Tradersway. They have down to 1k (1.000) and use cAlgo and Ctrader. 




05 May 2013, 02:09


If you do implant HotKeys on instrument level. The most important ones are "SELL", "BUY", "CLOSE", Cancel Last Order" and "Cancel All Orders"



04 May 2013, 19:19


the robot calculating this is not making any orders or positions only closing positions.

Hoping for a answer on this.



01 May 2013, 03:00


just to make my point why I think HotKeys are so important in trading. Assume you're trading on a smaller screen for example 12"  on a laptop. There will not be space enough to have the robots in sight on the left side of cAlgo. What I would like is to  have is cAlgo on a full screen without seeing the robots on the left side. Hotkeys are also a way to trade safely knowing when invoked they will preform according to the setup.



01 May 2013, 01:39


great to hear its coming soon! Hotkeys as well am I waiting for. :)



26 Apr 2013, 18:38

I've tried recopy. Here is the Error message.

Error: Usage of the generic type System.Collection.Generic.List <T> needs type argument 1


It point to the below line:

private List drawdown = new List(); 



26 Apr 2013, 17:22


tried to compile /forum/calgo-reference-samples/823 and came up with an error. Please correct so I can test and use the sample.

