Not now. But every day I open new positions and close them. As you can see from my trading history.
As per the requirements, only strategies with open positions are shown
What is the point in requiring an open position all the time just to list the strategy? So because my strategy opens only once a day a position you won’t show it in the search results? That doesn’t sound meaningful to me.
I have a second strategy which opens more frequently positions but sometimes it also has no positions open and still is shown as active.
i will check whether status changes once a new position is opened today.
BTW: when I use the search and enter „London“ I can find my strategy. Even when not logged in into the web platform. So the statement that the strategy is not listed is only half true.
UPDATE: I can confirm that my strategy is shown as active as soon as there is one open position. So yes, system works as designed. I just don't understand the rational behind. Why forcing strategy providers to have open positions all the time? Especially since it is potentially worse for someone to invest in a strategy which has open positions.
Yeah kind of ugly rules, I don't know why they changed to those too but anyway, using my own money cool.
Not now. But every day I open new positions and close them. As you can see from my trading history.
As per the requirements, only strategies with open positions are shown
What is the point in requiring an open position all the time just to list the strategy? So because my strategy opens only once a day a position you won’t show it in the search results? That doesn’t sound meaningful to me.
I have a second strategy which opens more frequently positions but sometimes it also has no positions open and still is shown as active.
i will check whether status changes once a new position is opened today.
BTW: when I use the search and enter „London“ I can find my strategy. Even when not logged in into the web platform. So the statement that the strategy is not listed is only half true.
UPDATE: I can confirm that my strategy is shown as active as soon as there is one open position. So yes, system works as designed. I just don't understand the rational behind. Why forcing strategy providers to have open positions all the time? Especially since it is potentially worse for someone to invest in a strategy which has open positions.
Thank you for reporting this issue. Please send us some troubleshooting information the next time this happens by tapping seven times on the logo inside the main menu. Please paste a link to this discussion inside the text box before you submit it.
Best regards,
Hi. I tapped 7 times on the logo and was asked to submit the information. I did. But there was not text field to enter the link of this discussion. Same for iPad.
Hi there,
Can you please provide us an approximate time when you sent the troubleshooting?
Best regards,
Just did it again right now on my iPhone (13:49 UTC+2)
Looks like this for ever…
Any update on this topic?
Hi there,
We are looking into this. Can you please let us know with which brokers you have accounts with?
Best regards,
I am using FPmarkets accounts. For the same broker accounts I can see the copy strategies in cTrader Web and Desktop. Only Mobile doesn't work.
I had an instant funding demo account as well. But this is no longer in use.
Thank you for reporting this issue. Please send us some troubleshooting information the next time this happens by tapping seven times on the logo inside the main menu. Please paste a link to this discussion inside the text box before you submit it.
Best regards,
Hi. I tapped 7 times on the logo and was asked to submit the information. I did. But there was not text field to enter the link of this discussion. Same for iPad.
Hi there,
Can you please provide us an approximate time when you sent the troubleshooting?
Best regards,
Just did it again right now on my iPhone (13:49 UTC+2)
Looks like this for ever…
Any update on this topic?
Hi there,
We are looking into this. Can you please let us know with which brokers you have accounts with?
Best regards,
I am using FPmarkets accounts. For the same broker accounts I can see the copy strategies in cTrader Web and Desktop. Only Mobile doesn't work.
I had an instant funding demo account as well. But this is no longer in use.
Thank you for reporting this issue. Please send us some troubleshooting information the next time this happens by tapping seven times on the logo inside the main menu. Please paste a link to this discussion inside the text box before you submit it.
Best regards,
Hi. I tapped 7 times on the logo and was asked to submit the information. I did. But there was not text field to enter the link of this discussion. Same for iPad.
Hi there,
Can you please provide us an approximate time when you sent the troubleshooting?
Best regards,
Just did it again right now on my iPhone (13:49 UTC+2)
I have an Algo running in the cloud and when using my mobile app for the same account I don't see the Algo icon in the lower bar. App version 5.0.54493
Make sure your algos have been synchronized to the cloud and that you are using a Spotware account. This option is only available for Spotware demo accounts at the moment.
Best regards,
Ok. Understood. I am using a live account from FP markets. So it won’t work for this account. What a pity.
I have an Algo running in the cloud and when using my mobile app for the same account I don't see the Algo icon in the lower bar. App version 5.0.54493
Thank you for reporting this issue. Please send us some troubleshooting information the next time this happens by tapping seven times on the logo inside the main menu. Please paste a link to this discussion inside the text box before you submit it.
Best regards,
Hi. I tapped 7 times on the logo and was asked to submit the information. I did. But there was not text field to enter the link of this discussion. Same for iPad.
Hi there,
Can you please provide us an approximate time when you sent the troubleshooting?
Best regards,
Just did it again right now on my iPhone (13:49 UTC+2)
Thank you for reporting this issue. Please send us some troubleshooting information the next time this happens by tapping seven times on the logo inside the main menu. Please paste a link to this discussion inside the text box before you submit it.
Best regards,
Hi. I tapped 7 times on the logo and was asked to submit the information. I did. But there was not text field to enter the link of this discussion. Same for iPad.
not sure what you want to achieve with this, but in my case there is a timeframe parameter available out of the box for optimization. No need to add one.
If you just need an additional time frame parameter for a second timeframe in your bot, you can simply use the type TimeFrame for your parameter (see example below). Unfortunately I cannot set a default using DefaultValue = TimeFrame.Minute15. This does not compile. And secondly when you use my example the TimeFrame parameter is not available for optimization. Only the one provided by cTrader Desktop works for me.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Collections;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo.Robots
[Robot(AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class Test : Robot
[Parameter("My Time Frame")]
public TimeFrame InpTimeFrame { get; set; }
protected override void OnStart()
protected override void OnTick()
protected override void OnStop()
not sure what you want to achieve with this, but in my case there is a timeframe parameter available out of the box for optimization. No need to add one.
If you just need an additional time frame parameter for a second timeframe in your bot, you can simply use the type TimeFrame for your parameter (see example below). Unfortunately I cannot set a default using DefaultValue = TimeFrame.Minute15. This does not compile. And secondly when you use my example the TimeFrame parameter is not available for optimization. Only the one provided by cTrader Desktop works for me.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Collections;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo.Robots
[Robot(AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class Test : Robot
[Parameter("My Time Frame")]
public TimeFrame InpTimeFrame { get; set; }
protected override void OnStart()
protected override void OnTick()
protected override void OnStop()
Ok, first of all I want to make clear that I made this post to support others avoid making the same mistake as I did suffering from a low performance of Last(). I don't have the impression that this intention is appreciated here in this forum.
I understand that this is a function of a parent class of Bars. But when I was still a professional developer we ensured that all methods of our classes, even those we simply inherit are working properly. So why not providing a method in Bars class which overwrites it by returning Last(0).
18 Jun 2024, 07:24 ( Updated at: 18 Jun 2024, 09:04 )
RE: My Strategy does not appear in search result even so it fulfills all requirements
r2ravc said:
Interesting. Didn't noticed that but it shows that this rule is unneccesary.