
28 Nov 2017, 17:37

Thanks Panagiotis - you could watch it for hours and it wouldn't happen, but it usually happens at least once a day - on my setup, anyway.  I forgot to mention that the bar's countdown timer also stops counting down.


28 Nov 2017, 17:09

Thanks for the quick response, Panagiotis.  It is cTrader desktop and I'm running windows 10.  If there is no bot running, once I notice the problem I can refresh the window and the program catches up.  If a bot is running, I would obviously have to stop it before I could refresh - which in some cases is less than ideal.  The biggest danger is not noticing the mismatch between the latest price (I don't usually have the bid line displayed) and the bar/candle.

I love cAlgo by the way - but cTrader used to be better even though it had less features.

Thanks again,



29 Dec 2016, 14:42

public int GetIndexByTime(DateTime dateTime)
public int GetIndexByExactTime(DateTime dateTime)

If data is missing at dateTime, the first method returns the nearest index. The second method (ExactTime) returns the exact index or -1 if data is missing.


22 Nov 2016, 03:12

Hi cTrader Team,

380 deals in the previous 30 days.  Thank you.


21 Nov 2016, 13:06

Thanks for the info Yuri.  It would be nice if Spotware could be more open about the known issues. 


15 Nov 2016, 08:58

any suggestions

Hello Spotware,

Care to offer any suggestions?


16 Sep 2016, 10:38


Hi Spotware,

This is definitely a step backwards.  It would not be so bad if it weren't for the fact that being logged on to cTrader ID seems to cause the platform to disconnect from the server quite often. It also causes other buggy behaviour if memory serves and this is why I stopped logging in.  

Hi Everyone, 

What you are describing is expected behavior of the new feature. To use the new Watchlist feature you need to be logged into cTrader ID, which you all must have now since you are writing in this forum. cTrader ID should not be confused with trading account. 

Once you are logged in you will be able to create and manage multiple Watchlists. 

Let us know how you get on.

