
Username: cyfer
Member since: 27 Sep 2015
Last login: 27 Sep 2015
Status: Active


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Programmer for 20 years,
Trader since 2014,

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cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 7 years ago


I can help with FIX API , but you're asking for things FIX API is not able to do . 

Download Historical Data is not something FIX API can do in cTrader , only Connect API can do it . 

I understand why you look for Prices from Fix API , but unfortunately .. it is not possible . 

Now when you get to Connect API Prices , they are very close to whay you see in cTrader . 

I had an Idea to build my own alternative to cTrader through Fix API Prices before , by recording Fix API Tick Prices and then construct candles from them, but the point here

is you must have a working Software for 24hours a day and even though you will end up needing cTrader platform

Connect API adds a level of complexty to every thing ,cause it's a mixture between RESTfull API & TCP/IP Socket connection . 


I can't really understand what you mean by integrating FIX API price feed to cAlgo API  , if you mean accessing FIX API price feed from a cAlgo indicator window , yes it can be done

didn't try it yet , but i'm sure it can be done .

If you're still looking for some one to help in that , I believe I can .. but be prepared for lots of discussion about what can be done and what can't be done . 

Kind Regards

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I have a Post about FIX API before its last update , just scroll down

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and click indicators 

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cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago

I Can help with that


cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago


If you still need this to be done, you can contact me


cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago

Sorry , I don't have a Freelancer account 

Send me the indicator and don't worry about Payment .


cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago


Sound & Email Alert & Visual Alert  should not be a problem .


cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago

If you're still looking for a fix , you can contact me


cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago


I might be able to do it , but I can't tell for sure till i know the project / EA etc


cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago


I can do it if you're still interested


cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago

I can do it if you send me the Specs of the system