25 Sep 2015, 22:46

03 Oct 2015, 09:06


Hi team, 

I have followed your suggestion and voted for this but I have to say, I really don't think it should be something that requires a vote or 'popular opinion' before it is addressed. I'm literally being prevented from monitoring and closing my positions - it doesn't get any more fundamental than that surely?! Having loads of great functionality is all well and good but what use is it if you can't monitor or close your trades?!!! I really like the cTrader Platform but I think this is something that needs to be fixed immediately.


I had 4 positions on the NFP release yesterday and couldn't see a single one of them. It's like putting someone in charge of a car and blacking out the windscreen but saying 'it's not something that's of immediate concern to us, but feel free to vote for it while we continue to work on making the wheels look nicer'.






26 Sep 2015, 09:11

I should have specified - iPhone 6 on iOS 8.4.1. Will be updating to 9.0 today.
