14 Jan 2019, 13:12
02 Aug 2018, 09:49
04 Aug 2017, 11:45
07 Aug 2015, 19:20

05 Dec 2023, 09:54

RE: RE: Server Error when trying to get new access token

LogicFX said: 

michael00 said: 

Hello, I have the same situation ( server error ), I tried with different browsers, and also I tried in another machine on my VPS but received the same error.

Good news, it seems to work now

YES, now it's working !


04 Dec 2023, 14:57

Hello, I have the same situation ( server error ), I tried with different browsers, and also I tried in another machine on my VPS but received the same error.


29 Apr 2021, 14:10


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi michael00,

In the screenshot I can only see the leverage of the strategy provider, not the leverage of the follower's account.

Regarding the delay issue, there is no actual delay. What happens is that the strategy provider has executed two deals but only one was copied due to insufficient margin, the second one. The first one was rejected.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram

The screenshot show the leverage of account ...115, that is the copier account.

The provider account is ....105.


29 Apr 2021, 12:38


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi michael00,

In the screenshot I can only see the leverage of the strategy provider, not the leverage of the follower's account.

Regarding the delay issue, there is no actual delay. What happens is that the strategy provider has executed two deals but only one was copied due to insufficient margin, the second one. The first one was rejected.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram


I talked with broker, they said the leverage was 1:500, so now I don't know what I have to think. At this stage I can just see what will follow after these notifications in the next days.

Regarding the position that was executed, please take a look at the picture, in master account both the 2 trades were executed at 1:30:01, but the trade copied was executed after 15 seconds, maybe you say that was executed after there's been the closure of the half position, and yes that could be a reason.


28 Apr 2021, 19:14


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi michael00,

We have investigated this case further and the issue is caused by the fact that the following account has a leverage of 1:30 instead of 1:500. Please talk to your broker about this.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram the mistery is why in the Ctrader Panel as you can see in the picture show 1:500 ! Because I've checked it and have seen 1:500. I will call them asking why.

Anyway please be aware that in other occasions I had some delay time ago. Anyway if it was just leverage than the trade should be not opened at all, why open a trade after 15 sec. ?



28 Apr 2021, 11:35


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi michael00,

Can you please provide us the broker and account number of the account that is following the strategy?

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram

Broker : ICMARKETS , Account # 1192115


14 Jan 2019, 16:22

Hello, these are the data I have :

Host name: 
(Current IP address can be changed without notice)

Are still active any " old " ports ? Because time ago I remember was not this.

Tried my app with another Ctrader broker and I do not have any problem in log-in.


02 Aug 2018, 13:55

Thanks Panagiotis, I know well is not available. Ctrader API has that kind of order. Just strange in my opinion that the FIX of Ctrader does not provide a so BASIC and useful

command...... I heard time ago that it will be available in the future..... but I don't know when.


07 Aug 2017, 15:10

I have to test it, I mean some brokers that does not support Limit IOC orders want Limit Order with price better than current market price ( like a standard limit order pending )

and in case the price you put is worst they reject the order, I think that this is what happens in Ctrader Fix Account... order will be rejected.

Just strange that Ctrader platform has a sort of execution quality control and FIX API not !


05 Aug 2017, 09:22

Anyway which is the order to have a slippage protection like in the C Trader platform, maximum deviation ?

And is there any way to cancel the order if I'm not filled after X milliseconds ?


04 Aug 2017, 17:43

EOL about your kind of order, is that a pending order or the execution is immediate like in a Market order ?
