
19 Aug 2015, 10:00


olddirtypipster said:

vitalikifel said:

Gday guys,


does someone else feels like all cTrader and cAlgo users are like tester of a Software in a open beta statium?

I do!

And it doesn't mater if it's the Web, Windows or Android version of cTrader and it doesn't even mater which Broker and if have testet some of them.

Here are some examples:

- Simple stuff like scrolling does sometimes not work

- Login takes ages (especially in the android app)

- Sometimes it don't load my settings and when i have saved them as template the template don't exist no more

- Sometimes when i close the web or the android version for just a few sec i have to log in again (expecially in the android version)

- And anyway the android version is sometimes so slow or just freezes when i do simple stuff like adding or modiffying an indicator or open up a chart

- When i do backtesting in cAlgo on the same pair with exactly the same settings it shows me each time completely different results


I really do like all the Software made by Spotware and its features and i think its the most innovative trading software of the past few years but there are some bugs they should not be there.

I really think about going back to MT4 even i hate it but with primitive bugs like that it really makes no fun and it even can be dangerous.

I don't want to wait ages till my phone opens up the app, then i just want to add an indocator but suddenly the app just freezes and i need to restart again and need to wait again till the app logs me in my account and take care all the time to dont click something wrong so the app freezes or shuts down again.

Or when i just want to scroll down my trading history in the Web app but i cant scroll at all.

Or i want to backtest a bot and without even changing anything i do two times the same backtest with completely different results.


So instead of adding more and more features to your software you should sit down and test the hell out of your current versions and try to fix as much as possible.

Have you consistently profited from cTrader and are you still doing so?

Have you consistently profited from MT4 and are you still doing so?

This should be the deciding factor on what you do next.

Your questions have less to do with the actual topic. The topic question was not "cTrader or MetaTrader" :P

But to give you a counterquestion: Do you think how good your work (trades) goes depends on how good and in what conditions your tools (platform) are? And does it mater how good you can work with your tools to do your work properly?

And as i mentioned i dont like MetaTrader. Its a outdated piece of software from the last decade. Always when i start the platform i have to think about my second computer with windows 98 and office 2000 on it :D
