
Username: EDENEM
Member since: 12 Jul 2015
Last login: 12 Jul 2015
Status: Active


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EDENEM · 8 years ago

I would like to have support for the swinghighlow indicator
if anyone know who please him the developer
Mende an e-mail to
because it does not work for me as high as only low
someone please help me

I would like to have support for the indicator SwingLowHigh

I wonder how that puts this indicator with buying position, since only brand as sale
ie only from the top down but from the bottom up not score anything?

EDENEM · 8 years ago

I would like to know what support for indicator
swinghighlow cTrade.
in need of support for indicator
if you know where and support please send me an email

EDENEM · 8 years ago

I wonder how that puts this indicator with buying position as it only marks as sale

ie only from the top down but from the bottom up it does not mark anything?

EDENEM · 8 years ago

ola boa noite  

eu gostaria de saber como que coloca esse indicador com a posição de compra pois ele só marca como venda 

ou seja só de cima para baixo mas de baixo para cima ele não marca nada ?