
28 Feb 2023, 18:35 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


you're right. this promotes over-trading and encourages people to trade as frequent as possible and that will eventually lead to more losses. we're traders and we know that.

ncel01 said:

Capt.Z-Fort.Builder said:

cTrader Copy official platform has applied a new criterion to hide strategies which have had no open positions since last Saturday(26 Feb 2023).

The search result also doesn't return the strategy name if there is no position!     

I don't think it's a fair criterion, for those SPs who only trade intraday or have open positions in a short time (e.g. close average in or less than an hour)  Even if they have trade almost every day.

I suggest restoring previous criteria to list all strategies without discrimination and letting users or investors can manually set on/off for the criterion


More than discrimination this is about to promote/encourage some particular trading style(s).

I would love to hear what can be the criteria behind such rules. To satisfy some brokers?

As you can see, a killing strategy (ROI > -90%), when overtrading is, to Spotware, very welcome to be included in the strategies list.

Obviously, there is no possible justification for this. At least not a justification compliant with the motto "Traders First".

So far, I feel like I give one step forward and Spotware pulls me 2 steps back due to all the increasing and ridiculous limitations adopted.

Keep on thinking that traders are dumbs does not sound very intelligent at all.



28 Feb 2023, 15:01

does that means all scalpers will be gone???

that's sad.


03 Jan 2023, 04:45 ( Updated at: 09 Feb 2023, 11:54 )


Mia999 said:


It would be very appreciated if you could work on an integration with FTX.

FTX is an important "Broker" for cryptocurrencies. It is cheap, honest, accessible, inclusive and straightfoward, and its reputation is well established - including in the United States. Their API seems ready and well referenced for integration with other platforms (such as cTrader).

The brokers that actually integrate with cTrader don't do very well with cryptocurrencies in my opinion. Most of them offer just a few crypto (if they offer crypto at all), and their commission / spread are often unacceptable. 

Moreover (and that could be a separated topic in itself), the vast majority of them are Europe oriented: only one or two of them serve North America. My guess is that many opportunities are slipping through your fingers because of that.

Thank you, and keep up for the good work!

aged like milk


08 Dec 2022, 23:11 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

that's funny

i have a better idea. in fact, cTrader showed us how it should be implemented but they didn't do it.
see this picture :
