
Username: RelaX
Member since: 02 Jul 2015
Last login: 02 Jul 2015
Status: Active


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RelaX · 8 years ago

OK, thank you for your point of view. I will double test that on demo acc.

Just one more question...Is it possibile to change code to check conditions by set timeframe instead of checking by each tick? I mean that when I am using 1m timeframe I want code to be checked after each 1m candle. If cBot conditions are met at the beginning of 1m candle (pipstep distance and maxspread) ,then he should open next position, if not then wait till next 1m candle and check again...Is such change possible? 

Thank you once more,


RelaX · 8 years ago

@ Zilva

Thank you very much for ammendments in code. After adding new parameter and changes in Method n_lt(TradeType ca_8) cBOT is working like I wanted.

There is one more case to figure out in cBOT. I notice the same what @Cannon123 wrote that cBOT is executing more then 1 trade per bar. In cBOT description there is written that cBOT contains code which should limit drawdown by adding only one trade per bar. It is not working correctly. I also check that with oryginal code and the same happen. 

Even if I am using 1m timeframe and PipStep =10 and there is big move on the market during market data release cBOT is opening more then 1 position in 1 minute bar if the price movement is exceeding PipStep paramether during 1m candle drawing. I would like to make changes which will limit that risk and create new order at the beggining of next 1m bar instead of opening somewhere in the middle of bar. So if the price movement is higher then PipStep paramether during 1m candle drawing cBOT should open position at the begining of next bar. I think that cBOT conditions should be validate on bar instead of on tick but when newly created position is added, TP modifications should be created immediately on tick.

Is that possibile? Can you assist with such changes as well?  



RelaX · 8 years ago

Does anyone know how to set new parameter in that cBot to be able to open (in case of volume traded) new positions every 1k or 2k or 3k...when cBot is increasing sell or buy side? Let's say that I would like to start from 1k and then have next position 2k and 3k and 4k and so on, when I set step volume to 1k. So newly created position is always 1k volume higher then previous one. Next example - when I set first volume and step volume to 2k I would like to have 2k then 4k, 6k, 8k, 10k and so on. Next buy or sell position should be always 2k volume higher then previous one in that example. All other functionality of cBot should stay as it is now. No other changes. Can anyone help with that?

RelaX · 8 years ago



[SaifBD] is it possible to add Step Volume paramether to your cBot? So if I set First Volume to 1000 and Step Volume to 1000 then cBot should open 1k then 2k then 3k then 4k then 5k and so on...if I set First Volume to 2000 and Step Volume to 2000 then cBot should open 2k then 4k then 6k then 8k and so that possibile?  I want cBot to add value seted in Step Volume paramether when opening next position instead of using Volume Exponent paramether. Is that possibile?

For now there is only Volume Exponent paramether which multiplies previous volume when I set it more then 1.0