19 Sep 2022, 21:00

22 Sep 2022, 16:21


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi sansand,

The server does not send any confirmations for heartbeats. If the connection is not dropped and you keep receiving heartbeats from the server, then it means tou are doing it right.

Best Regards,


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Since the sample does not send a ProtoHeartbeatEvent, do we really need to do it (server keeps sending a heartbeat every 30 sec)? How long until the server drops the connection, if we don't send a ProtoHeartbeatEvent?


22 Sep 2022, 15:54

Since I can't find anything in the samples, and there's no confirmation back from the server when I send a ProtoHeartbeatEvent, I don't know if I'm doing it right.

I would greatly appreciate an input from the developers or someone that has a working example, how it's supposed to be done.


20 Sep 2022, 09:31 ( Updated at: 20 Sep 2022, 09:40 )


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi sansand,

I have no idea what is that about and what it is doing :)

Best Regards,


Join us onTelegram andFacebook


Ok. So what would be the best way to keep the connection alive by sending a ProtoHeartbeatEvent in 10 second intervals?

Forgot to say that I'm using OpenApiPy.


20 Sep 2022, 09:26


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi sansand,

Yes server sends heartbeats every 30 seconds.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook


So the " task.LoopingCall " I added is correct?


16 Sep 2022, 21:42 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )


joel+ctrader said:

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi there,

For Marker Orders you need to set the relativeStopLoss. stopPrice is not supported for Market orders.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

Okay again thx for pointing me this out. But unfortunately it is not the solution.

I have try the below values, it accept the order, but the SL has not been set.

request.relativeStopLoss = 1000
request.trailingStopLoss = True

Below the output in json format. There you see also the relativeStopLoss has been set, but it is not activated:

    'ctidTraderAccountId': '*******',
    'executionType': 'ORDER_ACCEPTED',
    'position': {
        'positionId': '4084654',
        'tradeData': {
            'symbolId': '270',
            'volume': '0',
            'tradeSide': 'SELL',
            'guaranteedStopLoss': False,
            'comment': '*****'
        'positionStatus': 'POSITION_STATUS_CREATED',
        'swap': '0',
        'price': 0.0,
        'commission': '0',
        'marginRate': 0.0,
        'mirroringCommission': '0',
        'guaranteedStopLoss': False,
        'usedMargin': '0',
        'moneyDigits': 2,
        'trailingStopLoss': True
    'order': {
        'orderId': '*****',
        'tradeData': {
            'symbolId': '270',
            'volume': '100',
            'tradeSide': 'SELL',
            'openTimestamp': '1661952264351',
            'guaranteedStopLoss': False,
            'comment': '******'
        'orderType': 'MARKET',
        'orderStatus': 'ORDER_STATUS_ACCEPTED',
        'executedVolume': '0',
        'utcLastUpdateTimestamp': '1661952264351',
        'closingOrder': False,
        'clientOrderId': 'log_id::ea2cff4b-4e57-4d40-8649-a0c7bbb40481',
        'timeInForce': 'IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL',
        'positionId': '******',
        'relativeStopLoss': '1000',
        'trailingStopLoss': True
    'isServerEvent': False

Below you can see the SL and TSL are not activated.

What els do I have to send to enable the SL?


If you want a 10 point SL, set relativeStopLoss to 10 * 100000
