
11 Jul 2022, 17:58


Hi Panagiotis,

Market orders are executed on an IOC basis and limit orders on a GTC basis. I hope this answers your question.

I'm fully aware of that. My question is not about IOC or GTC. What I'm trying to understand is what is the behavior in terms of "what fix message do I have if PARTIALLY_FILLED order happens for a IOC order."

I would like to have a confirmation that something like c) could actually happens:

a) Sending an IOC Order 'order-1':

  • 2022-07-11 22:01:01 - NewOrderSingle(ClOrdID="order-1", Symbol="1", Side=BUY, OrderQty=1000000, OrdType=MARKET)

b) Receiving a Execution Report with a OrdStatus as NEW:

  • 2022-07-11 22:01:02 - ExecutionReport(OrderID="ctrader-id-1", ClOrdID="order-1", ExecType=NEW, OrdStatus=NEW, Symbol="1", Side=BUY, OrderQty=1000000.0, LeavesQty=1000000.0, CumQty=0.0, OrdType=MARKET)

c) Receiving two messages at the same time regarding 'order-1', one saying that it has a PARTIALLY_FILLED of 700000.0 and the other canceling the remaining 300000.0.

  • 2022-07-11 22:01:03 - ExecutionReport(OrderID="ctrader-id-1", ClOrdID="order-1", ExecType=TRADE, OrdStatus=PARTIALLY_FILLED, Symbol="1", Side=BUY, AvgPx=1.04, OrderQty=1000000.0, LeavesQty=300000.0, CumQty=700000.0, LastQty=700000.0, OrdType=MARKET)
  • 2022-07-11 22:01:03 - ExecutionReport(OrderID="ctrader-id-1", ClOrdID="order-1", ExecType=TRADE, OrdStatus=CANCELED, Symbol="1", Side=BUY, AvgPx=1.04, OrderQty=1000000.0, LeavesQty=300000.0, CumQty=700000.0, LastQty=700000.0, OrdType=MARKET)

I really want a confirmation for c). I have inferred this behavior from your doc that I was mentionning in the first message.


