
03 May 2022, 14:40


It had been a mess for you also  to roll back toward 4.1, so I wolud recommand to anyone beta-testing to simply save the Calgo source folder in order to reinstall it before rolling balck.




02 May 2022, 10:08


uvwxyz said:

galafrin said:


The 4.1 csproj file under path folder is backed up by Beta under csproj.backup  in sane directory. A quickfix replaces last csproj by  backedup csproj an rename to csproj and you are done.

Hi galafrin ,

Thanks very much for your time. That's a good solution to know, thanks.  What I ended up doing was I reloaded my periodically backed up indicators (4.1) from anoher drive and opened them in the brokers 4.1 version.


Of course but you might end up loosing your eventual updates  in between if the wholde folder is replaced instead of only the csproj !


30 Apr 2022, 15:06



The 4.1 csproj file under path folder is backed up by Beta under csproj.backup  in sane directory. A quickfix replaces last csproj by  backedup csproj an rename to csproj and you are done.


08 Apr 2022, 15:56 ( Updated at: 08 Apr 2022, 16:58 )

Your answer does not adress algos barred from compile under 4.1 after being compiled under 4.2. It might be solved by calling  4.1 XML snippet from 4.2,  not its 4.2 version.

Actualy all algos complied under 4.2 must be re-sourced from scratch under 4.1 in order to compile. 

Actually compiling under 4.2 targeting 4.1  brings this csprojj XML. This denied when compiling under 4.1. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
    <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
    <AssemblyName>MA recursive auto</AssemblyName>
    <PackageReference Include="cTrader.Automate" Version="1.*" />
    <Compile Include="MA recursive auto.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
    <ProjectReference Include="..\..\MA linear auto\MA linear auto\MA linear auto.csproj">
      <Name>MA linear auto</Name>
    <Reference Include="userClasses, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null">



05 Apr 2022, 23:12


Multi-symbols already works under Backtest. 4.1, so no Backtest regression under 4.2, is a thing



04 Apr 2022, 20:23 ( Updated at: 04 Apr 2022, 20:27 )


sticky_charly said:

Targeting legacy, It cannot find non system module library references  as a result tons of compile errors occurs. On Beta, same outcome.  errors from not finding namespaces plus obsoletes methods.. Rolling back.





This appears right after renaming a 4.2 algo , it looses its references of external DLLs  like it does not well  rename  the file set. So the way to fix it is to rename the current bogged file, create a new algo, rename it, copy paste from bogged, add external DLLs and compile. While waiting for the bug to be fixed by Spotware.


31 Mar 2022, 17:56


de.dorpstafel.est said:

Debugging support

Both .NET 4.x and .NET 6 algos can NOT be debugged in Visual Studio 2022 and 2017

loaded new SDK  
System libraries menu gone in Manage reference menu.
Browsed libs not recognized!

Debugging just does not work (no symbols loaded, weird errors, libraries not found) in vs2017 and vs2022

for us it's a useless update! Please notify when things are fixed!
how to roll-back?


Look for the previous version up the folder of the ctrader exe, draw a short cut, the previous versions should be still there


16 Jul 2021, 17:38


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi galafrin,

Beta is a degraded solution, we are not Beta testers

I did not mention anything about Beta in this thread. 

any new install formats all the souce code

I am not sure what do you mean. Can you elaborate?

In general, if you are building complicated cBots, we strongly recommend to use Visual Studio, which is a full blown IDE for .Net projects, and not rely on the built-in editor. The built-in editor is just a handy tool for small cBots and easy modifications. We do not have major plans for improving it.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

You mentioned Beta on Telegram as a solution for this bug but automate was covenient enought for developping and testing until this bug. . It would have been better to fix it  versus waiting monthes for a bif update we are not asking yet. Keep in mind this bug is a regressive one.

I am refering to " Format Code Automatically " check box on automate settings , this should come unchecked by default, otherwise users loose theiir own previous code formatting. at each install. which can happen for a number of reasons


16 Jul 2021, 16:17

RE: Beta

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi galafrin,

4.1 has not been released to IC Markets yet.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

Hello Panagiotis

Beta is a degraded solution, we are not Beta testers plus the very annoying fact that any new install formats all the souce code, so at the very  less  this option should come unchecked by default. whatever the upgrade is.


16 Jul 2021, 14:04

Broker says again he didn't receive 4.1.6

Hello I am still on 4.0.14 in ICM broker and automate does not work properly, broker says he don't have the version, can you believe it ?



14 Jul 2021, 17:30 ( Updated at: 14 Jul 2021, 17:32 )

It has always been slow and I  feel it is not really improving in that matter for instance it takes a few minutes to start my profile  sadly because quickly operating is critical. . Perhaps upgrading to .latest version of Dot Net Framework from 7 years old 4.0 will do, thouight.


14 Jul 2021, 16:52

RE: RE: Calculation using Dynamic Leverage

Hi here is how I get it : 

First Convert the instrument price to account currency ;   

Symbol.Bid * Symbol.TickValue / symbol.TickSize 

Then multiply by standard instrument volume in units 

* Symbol.VolumeInUnits

Finally divide by instrument leverage supposing onnly one entry in the instrument dynamicLeverage table

/ Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage

the whole formula gives this

Margin_Required = Symbol.Bid * Symbol.TickValue / symbol.TickSize * Symbol.VolumeInUnits / Symbol.DynamicLeverage[0].Leverage




14 Jul 2021, 16:14


My broker hasn't got the update yet and I am still on 4.0.14. 



24 Feb 2017, 00:36

Watch out tick data


Tick data could be of singular value , for instance large negative spread , even corrupt in part, then I would recomand to try M1 open price option which are generally safe , even other broker data because some are better than others on ticks, then try to detect from wich date it begun to loop . Indeed there are some issues with Backtesting actually. 


07 Feb 2017, 19:07


Spotware said:

Hi there,

Thanks for your post in our forum. I am sorry that you find this situation frustrating. 

Allow us to explain and perhaps you may understand and respect our position. We have a team dedicated to support brokers, because we are a B2B company and they are our clients. Our current team can handle up to 100 brokers (100 entities). Our team cannot handle 300,000 traders (300,000 entities). The fees we charge brokers reflect the requirement to support a single entity only, not their thousands upon thousands of clients. 

In a typical supply chain situation we would be considered a wholesaler or even manufacturer. Our fees to brokers are a fraction of what they are to end users, becuase they have large overheads - such as large support teams.

Brokers are responsible for supporting their clients (you) and Spotware (us) are responsible for supporting them. 

PS - we screen calls and have a white list of number who are our clients. 

I hope this explanation is well received. 


Spotware Team

Not very diplomatic for those who are at the start of your food chain , hey , some bugs have to be reported out there don't you think , that is if you intend to stick around the  next five years.!




05 Feb 2017, 00:02


The better part about unleveraged trading is mostly lower spread althought it is never abysmaly lower , I heard the CEO of LMAX saying he doesn't believe in spread lower than three-four ticks on the EURDOL for profitability reasons , then some retail brokers are not that far from HFT spread barrier.


10 Jan 2017, 15:06

On Live I get this : London-5 , 19/20ms,  164ms order filling 1700 km away. Wich is not that bad if you ask me.


10 Jan 2017, 14:08

Yes indeed , just add custom enumeration to input type parameters, I mean , for the sake of confort in operating!


05 Jan 2017, 16:21

Hello, you may try this

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    This code is a cAlgo API example.
//    All changes to this file will be lost on next application start.
//    If you are going to modify this file please make a copy using the "Duplicate" command.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = false, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AutoRescale = false, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class SampleA : Indicator
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 14)]
        public int Periods { get; set; }

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = MovingAverageType.Simple)]
        public MovingAverageType maType { get; set; }

        [Output("dp", Color = Colors.Lime)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries dp { get; set; }

        [Output("dm", Color = Colors.Red)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries dm { get; set; }

        [Output("ad", Color = Colors.DodgerBlue)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries ad { get; set; }

        [Output("atr", Color = Colors.Gold)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries at { get; set; }
        private DirectionalMovementSystem dms;
        private AverageTrueRange atr;

        protected override void Initialize()

            dms = Indicators.DirectionalMovementSystem ( Periods ) ;
            atr = Indicators.AverageTrueRange ( Periods , maType) ;

        public override void Calculate(int index)
            dp [index] = dms.DIPlus[index];
            dm [index] = dms.DIMinus[index];
            ad [index] = dms.ADX[index];
            at [index] = atr.Result[index]/Symbol.Bid*10000;



02 Jan 2017, 23:09

Obviously the set of liquifity providers to a broker based in UK does not have to be the same for Australia. Remember FOREX is uncentralized market. Weren't they much alike inside a same country ,that would be more worrying. 
