
Username: aimerdoux
Member since: 07 Jun 2015
Last login: 07 Jun 2015
Status: Active


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aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 8 years ago this is the broken link that apparently is not working

aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 8 years ago

Hi paul thank you for this Robot im trying to acces to the link that has the information of How to Install it but is seems to be broken can you helo me 

aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 8 years ago

Sorry I might be wrong but can you explain me why do you calculate the fisher transform without calculating the Correlation coefficient ? thank you

aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 8 years ago

lol you make two trailing stops two open methods too much code useless, you can parametrize the method with string label 

aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 8 years ago

 in the method private long fer(long ic_9, int bk_4) he never actuallyuses this variavle what is funny long gd_i = Symbol.VolumeStep;

aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 8 years ago

i dont find you my facebook is:

aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 8 years ago

hi spike do u use any social network like facebook or linkedIn Id like to talk to u

aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 8 years ago

this is by far the best bot i ever seen 

aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 8 years ago

where did you learn all of this?

aimerdoux's avatar
aimerdoux · 9 years ago

you can Actually change the optimization method by clicking in the icon GA and choosing the other option of optimization.