
22 Jan 2016, 21:57

Sorry, wish I could edit my earlier message, but that seems impossible ?

I should have mentioned that the mySQL history proves cAlgo is returning 'Nonsense' for HOURS, long after it was true ;(

I have instances with no open trades, but minute by minute 'reports' claiming there are trades Open .. 

It baffles me .. can anybody HELP please ?  Hello Spotware, is anybody there ?  ;)


22 Jan 2016, 21:25 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Thanks for the suggestion, but I am calling it every 2 seconds, with a timer, also every minute to write it into mySQL .. both versions get 'crazy' responses sometimes  ;(

GoldnOil750 said:


are you calling the code on method "OnBar" or "OnTick" ??   usually calling this code in method "OnBar" will wait for the next bar to update it.




ChasBrownTH said:

The following code is meant to display the count of currently open positions, but it often does not work.

            int totalPositions = Positions.Count;
            int buyPositionsCount = PositionsCount(TradeType.Buy);
            int sellPositionsCount = PositionsCount(TradeType.Sell);

             strStats += string.Format("\nPositions: {0}  Buys: {1}  Sells: {2}", totalPositions, buyPositionsCount, sellPositionsCount);

            ChartObjects.DrawText("stats", strStats, StaticPosition.TopLeft);

Results are displayed, often they are true, but not always. Please see the screenshot.

Did I forget to 'reset' or properly initialize something important ?

Many thanks to anybody who can help me figure out the cause.




15 Jun 2015, 19:34


botmaster said:

Damn.. I wish there was a way to remove post.    It was my mistake after all.   I was using the wrong period.     dah!

... going to get another beer.


Hi BotMaster  ;}

Don't feel too bad about making a mistake, we all do it and that is how we learn. Your comments here helped me find one of my own 'glitches', instead of giving up.

cheers, make mine a Carlsberg ...


15 Jun 2015, 16:39

Hi - I have read of people getting this to work using Crossover, from Codeweavers. Sadly it is a paid product, though they offer a Free Trial. It is about 40 USD if you want to keep it. It worked for me, but there are a few other issues to sort out, Windblows is simply easier, even though I often loathe it ...

PS - I gave your idea votes ;}
