
Username: ellcz
Member since: 20 May 2015
Last login: 20 May 2015
Status: Active


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ellcz · 3 years ago

Does this repaint/lag? Seems like it works like simple MA, but kinda nicer look. :D Thx :)

ellcz · 3 years ago

This should be free or paid? Because on the site, you have 50euro per year. Thanks! :)

ellcz · 3 years ago

Does this repaint or not? I was used to MT4 but never thought about repainting issue on cTrader. Thank You! :)


Lovely indi. Looks great on my chart.

ellcz · 8 years ago

I guess its repainter, right? No fixes whatsoever :D

ellcz · 8 years ago

Well, i can try as I learn.. :) 

ellcz · 8 years ago

This code is fu... mess when tried to use it with robots.. It's impossible.. :('

ellcz · 8 years ago

Oh Im stupid.. I almost fixed it on my own.. But when i updated this code "<HMASignals>" calgo fixed it automatically to "<HMASignal>" so there was new error which makes me cunfused.. 


However, i made it thanks to you Paul. And it is profitable on its own with some good settings. I will probably update this and see what i can do. :) 

For now i added just TP and SL.


So thanks again! 


ellcz · 8 years ago

I'm totally out of ideas now.. :/ I wanted to try this indicator for my own cbot, so i have only this code. Did i forget something? Ummm, your HMA Signal is added as reference. (Via Manage References)


using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class HMASmartBotFirstEdition : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }
        private MarketSeries HmaDaySeries;
        private HMASignals hmaSignal;

        protected override void OnStart()
            // Put your initialization logic here
            HmaDaySeries = MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Daily);
            hmaSignal = Indicators.GetIndicator(HmaDaySeries, 21, falsefalse, 3, false, 50);

        protected override void OnTick()
            // Put your core logic here

        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here

ellcz · 8 years ago

Well, I'm still learning C# so... It's ok. I knew there is missing something, but i could not find it. However, when I update your code like this, compiler still saying that error "Error CS0411: The type arguments for method cAlgo.API.Internals.IIndicatorsAccessor.GetIndicator<TIndicator>(params object[]) cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly."

What is this? Shouldn't we do it like in this example "sma = Indicators.GetIndicator<SampleSMA>(Source, SmaPeriod);" instead of "hmaSignal = Indicators.GetIndicator(HmaDaySeries, 21, falsefalse, 3, false, 50);


Or these brackets <> doesn't work for custom indis?

ellcz · 8 years ago

Did EXACTLY what you said, got two errors. 


Error CS0103: The name `hmaSignal' does not exist in the current context. And next error is..


Error CS0411: The type arguments for method cAlgo.API.Internals.IIndicatorsAccessor.GetIndicator<TIndicator>(params object[]) cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.


Any help? please?