
24 Jun 2022, 01:32

I can see that in the FIX cTrader XML present here:

There is:

<field number="40" name="OrdType" type="CHAR">
   <value enum="4" description="STOP_LIMIT"/>

In my understanding, this should be used for a STOP_LIMIT order in the FIX Protocol with a cTrader broker.

So, 5 years later, could we have an update on the support of STOP_LIMIT Order in the FIX PROTOCOL please :) ?


10 Jun 2022, 16:57

That's the thing. It doesn't happen on my tests so far. But I need to create a resilient system, and knowing when a rejection can happen is really precious.

Especially when I'm sending an order to close an existing position (on a netting account), it would really help to know in which cases this could happen.


10 Jun 2022, 11:57

So if a position is opened in SELL with a volume of 1000, is it possible (even rarely) to have a rejection when sending an order with a volume of 1000 in BUY?


03 Jun 2022, 19:49 ( Updated at: 03 Jun 2022, 19:50 )

Are there any plans to add this functionality? Or is there some kind of limitation that I don't know about? This is a very important feature for us, using the Open API just for that seems weird.


23 Feb 2022, 23:13


amusleh said:

If you already subscribed to data feed of a symbol then you will receive the symbol market data, there is no need for re-subscribing unless you got disconnected.

I'm worried about undetected MarketDataIncrementalRefresh. Being able to periodically (every hour or so) fetch the full snapshot while I'm subscribed to one symbol is, I think, really important. Hence my question. Is there anything I could do about it?


Best regards,



21 Feb 2022, 19:06

And second question: is there a way to detect that I missed a MarketDataIncrementalRefresh?


21 Feb 2022, 16:49


amusleh said:

Regarding market snapshot you can send the market snapshot request message anytime you want to.

The issue is that MarketDataRequest (MsgType(35)=V) only accepts SubscriptionRequestType_SNAPSHOT_PLUS_UPDATES(1) and not SubscriptionRequestType_SNAPSHOT(0).

Sending a new SNAPSHOT_PLUS_UPDATES request doesn't work while I'm already registered to a Market Feed. So, how can I send a "market snapshot request message anytime I want to"? Is there another MsgType that I should be aware of?
