
28 Feb 2022, 09:02 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

RE: Price errors on chart

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi vicryder,

You can just copy and paste images inside the text editor.

Best Regards,


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Thanks Panagiotis.

Following on then, here are the two images.

The first is my original US30_SB A'c charts showing the comparison between the 2m and 4m. The second is the US30 Hedge A'c showing the same problem.

It's just struck me that I did this during the time the market was inactive and that may have caused the effect, but I have just rechecked now on an active market and the same issue still exists.

Surely this can't be correct, can it?

What do you think Panagiotis?



27 Jan 2022, 14:58

Hi Thanks Panagiotis that make sense. So in effect it's a broker issue.

I'll see what Pepper have to say on the matter.

Thanks again.



27 Jan 2022, 12:00

Market Sentiment not working

Hi Panagiotis 

Didn't know that.

The symbols I have been working with of late are US30_SB and SA40_SB indices.  I tried EURUSD_SB and it doesn't work on that either but it's ticked in the Viewing Options.

! Just thought, initially the demo I was using was a hedging A'c and the MS certainly worked then, but I can't recall seeing it working since I opened the Spread Betting Demo A'c.

Could that be what's causing it?

Is there a list of what symbols it does and doesn't work on?



13 Jan 2022, 13:44

Quick Trade Buttons using wrong stake

Hi Panagiotis

Tradewatch History.  Sorry pal, just wasn't thinking straight. Obviously sort the column! Doh.

On the Opening time header there's a little box with '1' in it, what does that indicate?

I've found the answer to the Quick Trade buttons problem - IT was ME. I had been watching the progress on 2 time charts and I inadvertently issued the order from the 2nd window which was still set to 0.2 Stakes. It was a duplicated chart and I had assumed the Stakes setting would likewise be duplicated, but it doesn't does it? So apologies for that too.

Thanks Panagiotis.



13 Jan 2022, 10:30

RE: A'cs mixed up

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi Vic,

When you report problems, you need to be more specific and use a more concise language. Terms "stuff" (which stuff?), "nothing there" (where?) etc. do not help us understand your problem. If you need there is a problem you need to provide us at least the following information

  1. Your broker.
  2. Screenshots demonstrating what are you looking at.
  3. Clear instructions of the steps you are following.
  4. What you expected to see and what do you see instead.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

Hi Panagiotis 

Yes I get that, it wasn't very specific because at the time I had other things going on too and I passed over it for the time being. Consequently, I had not collected screenshots nor made any notes. So it's all in general language.

I'm with Pepperstone Demo. I have only one instance of cTrader open at any one time. My short experience is that I open a number of charts on a specific A'c No. do whatever work (notes, drawings, indicators etc.), which is insignificant hence the term 'stuff' and close the program. It always asks for confirmation and I guess saves the current status. Next time I open the program, all the charts are there tabbed along the top and I get exactly what I had when I closed it except that the current chart now shows the updated price action and is displaying the active front edge, all well and good. It has always worked this way for me even when I have opened alternative A'cs. All the previous A'cs were the default Hedging A'cs.

What happened was, after creating the SB A'c, which seemed to complete alright and appears in the list of A'cs, the stuff I did on this SB A'c when I closed it, did not reappear when I opened it the next day. It opened on the correct SB A'c and the tabs were present but would not open, the chart area was blank grey with a short message telling me it won't open, I don't recall the wording. The old Hedging A'cs were still Ok but not the SB A'c.

What concerned me more was the fact that on this occasion not only had the charts and stuff disappeared from the SB A'c but some elements of text notes from the SB A'c had turned up on one of the hedging A'cs.

The SB A'c seems to be working ok now as best as I can tell.

Because I had no specific info to give you I was really asking to see if you had met this problem before and also to let you know that this had occurred with me.

Hope this clarifies and helps Panagiotis.




12 Jan 2022, 14:15

Chart zoom

Hi Panagiotis.

I'm still trying to get to grips with the markets and cTrader and making fair progress, thanks for your previous help.

I'm now having difficulty with the chart zoom, in that as I get closer the aspect ratio changes and therefore so do the angles of the lines. As I seem to spend a great deal of time zoomed in on the action it would be better if the zoom used a fixed aspect ratio.

Is there please a setting for this or an assist key combination available?

Also is there any way to increase the palette of drawing tools?

Vic Ryder



23 Dec 2021, 20:48


Hi Panagiotis.

Yes thanks for the explanation, I understand your point and to some degree concur. The problem here is, because I don't know how the writer has structured the help file, nor the terminology used, I didn't know that the explanation was to be found under Crosshair. Also because I could not readily see any topic that suggested where the information might be found I used any wording that I thought may elicit a response to guide me there. Usually search engines respond with some sort of not found result so the user knows that is the case. However, every time I have used the search box (using my own terminology), which I now understand it won't find because it doesn't understand normal every day English, it would just sit there with no response. Does it not understand? Has it not received the search term? Is the net down or has it crashed? Who can tell?

My common experience with other help files is that they frequently come back with something that, though incorrect, points the way to the terminology required or outright tells you nothing was found. The point to note here is that the user has no control over the performance of the file, but the writer has. So all I can do is comment about it.

I don't want to make a big issue out of this and thanks to your explanation I've learned more and now know what to expect. I apologise for my comments if you found them at all distasteful.

No doubt Panagiotis I'll be back for more as and when. Thanks for your help.



22 Dec 2021, 14:05

More on difficult to find info

Ok Panagiotis. Thanks for that, I'm not completely surprised.

I am slowly learning and also realising just how impressive cTrader is. (Pat on back for all).

I am currently trying a potential strategy back test. I found out, by accident, that I can measure with the cross hair pointer and I've used it a couple of times but it seems very limited, but that could be me, the probs are :-

How to lock the result so it stays on screen until I clear it?

Can the panel be changed to include start price and end price?

How to measure across a long run that is several screens away at the current zoom setting and time periods?

I've look all over the place for several answers and found nothing. I did find a cTrader - Getting Started video that turned out to be a waste of time as the narrator stated that this was an overview and he would not be going into details.

This lack of readily available detailed information is IMHO atrocious. I'm sorry to say.

I go to your help centre that has a Search box, so I type in 'Manual measurement' and it just sits there ignoring the request. All this makes the 'Help Centre' title a complete misnomer.

Please Panagiotis accept this constructive criticism as feedback; there is no intention to offend.


Vic Ryder





17 Dec 2021, 11:14

Help Topics & setting chart defaults

Thanks Panagiotis 

OMG If that's all the written help available then I'm in for a nightmare of a learning curve. Forums, while excellent sources of specialist help are no place to acquire the basic knowledge of how programers built the features, facilities and tools. For a start that far too slow a route. This stuff should all be available as a comprehensive written help file that can be downloaded with the program. IMHO

1/ Yes thx. However, I already found the colour options dialogue myself but it doesn't change the default settings. So currently open charts and newly created charts are on the old settings which is why I specifically asked for 'default' settings. I don't fancy having to customise every chart I open just to make it workable.

Got the HA thx, but it just puts them over the top of the candlesticks making a mess and I can't find a way to switch the candles off. In my searches I've found many messages requesting HA as an option going back to 2012 answered with ' we're look at including it' any idea which decade it might arrive? ;-)

All in all up to now I'm quite disappointed with cTrader and I'm hoping it gets better very soon...

Even this forum is annoying to use with a spell checker that red underlines words without offering the correction so we can see what it thought was wrong. I'm sorry to say this but these minor issues give a toy shop impression to the product. It may be absolutely wonderful but I haven't got to that bit yet!



