
07 Nov 2021, 11:23 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

RE: No more trust to Relax Ichi Matrix and all copy cats of Urai

kamo88 said:

they showed once again that they don't have SL and they play everything every May and they don't respect our money, if it wasn't for my own EQSL at 25% I would have a 50% drop in my account. These are people who are not serious and not worth the investment because if it were not for the EUR pullback today, we would all lose again and we know that Urai has already killed $ 3 million in the copy. He assured that he has SL now and allowed a 50% drop.


to be safe its better to have own SL and own mind you cant trust them 100 % .


ICHI , MATRIX1 , OLDRELAX , FIBN23 - all of them its same game and maby same guy . NO SL on this accound so guys make it own becouse 1 day euro will not come back and it will blow them like almost today again.


Matrix1 drop till 60 % of his accound. lost 1.2 milion from copy.

I agree with you. This guy cannot be trusted anymore. His hit rate is really low when we looking at his trading history. When the market had a very obvious direction, he seldom opened positions to earn money. Conversely, he always started opening position in wrong direction, and then keep diluting so heavily until the market rebounding to earn such 2%. There is completely no any skills and it is purely gamgling. 
