30 Sep 2016, 17:13
03 May 2016, 15:25
22 Dec 2015, 16:23
21 Jul 2015, 17:14
16 May 2015, 04:36
29 Apr 2015, 02:43
10 Mar 2015, 02:21

06 Mar 2019, 02:44

Is it already possible to access swaps costs via cTrader Automate API?


04 Feb 2019, 02:25

Interesting question.


03 Feb 2019, 18:15

You could send a message to your account on the Telegram messanger service if you had one.


24 Jan 2019, 02:15

This is an important one.


01 Nov 2018, 14:10


Thanks for your reply. Is it also possible to access the renko bar data already through the automate API? And is there somewhere a code example for reference?

Thanks in advance.


01 Oct 2018, 03:09

Hi Andrey,

Hereby some additional info. Client logs are UTC+2, Txt logs are UTC+0.
Because the trade result is reporting 'Timeout' instead of 'IsSuccessful', additional processing of code like posted in the first (OnNewPositionsOpened(trrRes.Position);) post will not happen. This issue is the same for opening and closing of positions. Also sent troubleshooting information using Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T.

client log:

21/09/2018 15:07:04.566 | Executing Market Order to Buy 20000 EURGBP (MR: 3)
21/09/2018 15:08:05.926 | → Executing Market Order to Buy 20000 EURGBP (MR: 3) FAILED with error "Timeout"

txt log:
2018.09.21 13:07:04.613 | Request to Buy 0.20 Lot(s) EURGBP (Price: 0.89673, MR: 3) is sent to server
2018.09.21 13:08:05.941 | Request to Buy 0.20 Lot(s) EURGBP (Price: 0.89609, MR: 3) is sent to server
2018.09.21 13:09:15.754 | → Request to Buy 0.20 Lot(s) EURGBP (Price: 0.89673, MR: 3) is ACCEPTED, order OID79616036 created (21/09/2018 13:07:04.734 UTC+0)
2018.09.21 13:09:15.785 | → Order OID79616036 is FILLED at 0.89608, position PID48578237 (21/09/2018 13:07:04.978 UTC+0)
2018.09.21 13:09:15.785 | → Request to Buy 0.20 Lot(s) EURGBP (Price: 0.89609, MR: 3) is ACCEPTED, order OID79616377 created (21/09/2018 13:08:06.060 UTC+0)
2018.09.21 13:09:15.879 | → Order OID79616377 is FILLED at 0.89589, position PID48578345 (21/09/2018 13:08:06.308 UTC+0)

client log:
22/08/2018 20:03:10.945 | Closing position PID47436055
22/08/2018 20:04:51.273 | → Closing position PID47436055 FAILED with error "Timeout", Position PID47436055

txt log:
2018.08.22 18:03:42.586 | Request to close position PID47436055 is sent to server
2018.08.22 18:04:51.382 | → Request to close position PID47436055 is ACCEPTED, order OID77060352 created (22/08/2018 18:03:42.649 UTC+0)
2018.08.22 18:04:51.601 | → Order OID77060352 is FILLED at 1.30005, position PID47436055 closed (22/08/2018 18:03:42.910 UTC+0)

client log:
26/09/2018 20:11:31.031 | Closing position PID48772098
26/09/2018 20:12:52.719 | → Closing position PID48772098 FAILED with error "Timeout", Position PID48772098

txt log:
2018.09.26 18:11:31.030 | Request to close position PID48772098 is sent to server
2018.09.26 18:12:52.721 | Request to Buy 0.01 Lot(s) EURGBP (Price: 0.89274, MR: 3) is sent to server
2018.09.26 18:12:53.573 | → Request to close position PID48772098 is ACCEPTED, order OID80034817 created (26/09/2018 18:11:31.990 UTC+0)
2018.09.26 18:12:53.915 | → Order OID80034817 is FILLED at 0.89269, position PID48772098 closed (26/09/2018 18:11:32.243 UTC+0)
2018.09.26 18:12:53.948 | → Request to Buy 0.01 Lot(s) EURGBP (Price: 0.89274, MR: 3) is ACCEPTED, order OID80038115 created (26/09/2018 18:12:53.628 UTC+0)
2018.09.26 18:12:54.026 | → Order OID80038115 is FILLED at 0.89270, position PID48794532 (26/09/2018 18:12:53.896 UTC+0)

client log:
27/09/2018 11:19:08.884 | Closing position PID48848175
27/09/2018 11:19:08.916 | → Closing position PID48848175 FAILED with error "EntityNotFound", Position PID48848175

txt log:
2018.09.27 09:19:07.712 | Request to close position PID48848175 is sent to server
2018.09.27 09:19:08.275 | → Request to close position PID48848175 is ACCEPTED, order OID80148615 created (27/09/2018 09:19:07.761 UTC+0)
2018.09.27 09:19:08.869 | → Order OID80148615 is FILLED at 0.89275, position PID48848175 closed (27/09/2018 09:19:07.993 UTC+0)

client log:
28/09/2018 21:09:04.102 | Executing Market Order to Buy 20000 USDCHF (MR: 3)
28/09/2018 21:10:44.711 | → Executing Market Order to Buy 20000 USDCHF (MR: 3) FAILED with error "Timeout"

txt log:
2018.09.28 19:09:04.133 | Request to Buy 0.20 Lot(s) USDCHF (Price: 0.97948, MR: 3) is sent to server
2018.09.28 19:10:45.087 | → Request to Buy 0.20 Lot(s) USDCHF (Price: 0.97948, MR: 3) is ACCEPTED, order OID80413794 created (28/09/2018 19:09:04.166 UTC+0)
2018.09.28 19:10:45.180 | → Order OID80413794 is FILLED at 0.97935, position PID48959888 (28/09/2018 19:09:04.412 UTC+0)

client log:
28/09/2018 17:02:01.223 | Closing position PID48945327
28/09/2018 17:03:49.614 | → Closing position PID48945327 FAILED with error "Timeout", Position PID48945327

txt log:
2018.09.28 15:02:21.786 | Request to close position PID48945327 is sent to server
2018.09.28 15:03:49.864 | → Request to close position PID48945327 is ACCEPTED, order OID80387750 created (28/09/2018 15:02:21.836 UTC+0)
2018.09.28 15:03:50.536 | → Order OID80387750 is FILLED at 1.50152, position PID48945327 closed (28/09/2018 15:02:22.081 UTC+0)

client log:
28/09/2018 17:05:15.426 | Executing Market Order to Sell 20000 USDJPY (MR: 3)
28/09/2018 17:06:18.598 | → Executing Market Order to Sell 20000 USDJPY (MR: 3) FAILED with error "Timeout"

txt log:
2018.09.28 15:05:15.458 | Request to Sell 0.20 Lot(s) USDJPY (Price: 113.536, MR: 3) is sent to server
2018.09.28 15:06:14.286 | Request to Sell 0.20 Lot(s) EURCAD (Price: 1.50042, MR: 3) is sent to server
2018.09.28 15:06:20.223 | → Request to Sell 0.20 Lot(s) USDJPY (Price: 113.536, MR: 3) is ACCEPTED, order OID80388321 created (28/09/2018 15:05:15.509 UTC+0)
2018.09.28 15:06:20.254 | → Order OID80388321 is FILLED at 113.540, position PID48950387 (28/09/2018 15:05:15.745 UTC+0)
2018.09.28 15:06:20.270 | → Request to Sell 0.20 Lot(s) EURCAD (Price: 1.50042, MR: 3) is ACCEPTED, order OID80388490 created (28/09/2018 15:06:14.339 UTC+0)
2018.09.28 15:06:20.364 | → Order OID80388490 is FILLED at 1.50057, position PID48950429 (28/09/2018 15:06:14.549 UTC+0)




12 Sep 2018, 03:31

Hi Spotware,

Could you provide some feedback?

Thanks in advance.


25 Aug 2018, 02:40

Automate API 3.01 is nice!


24 Aug 2018, 03:13

Hi ceakuk,

Is there a way how i can contact you? i'm interested into renko trading.

Or feel free to come by in our cTrader community chat channel on Discord. You can find the invite link in my signature.

Thanks in advance.


22 Aug 2018, 02:40

Hi Panagiotis,

So far, i haven't been able to reproducde this problem. Yet, a couple of hours ago i experienced again this type of crash during forward testing.

I logged a shift-ctrl-alt-t, and added the link of this post into the description. Not sure if this provides added value to your team.



15 Aug 2018, 02:09

Did you make a reference to the .dll file?

Open your algo in automate > at top center, Manage References > Libraries > Browse to your .dll and check it > Apply > rebuild your algo and retry.



26 Jul 2018, 13:58


The link posted above ( is not working anymore. When i look at the ctrade suite, i don't see anything mentioned anymore about this dealingdesk add-on. Does this mean that this add-on was discontinued?

If not, it will be absolutely necessary that we can verify this through API, and not only manually by hand.

Thanks in advance.



25 Jul 2018, 03:44

You could let all your bots listen to a telegram channel where you can control them.



11 Mar 2018, 23:46

Hi Spotware,

Today, experiencing same problem. Doing a simple account login with a different account in cAlgo. cAlgo freezes (not responding), CPU usage up to 15% while just reconnecting to the other account. Memory fluctuating between 600/900 Mb. The authentication in cAlgo is already pending for more than 15 minutes.

Please advice.


24 Feb 2018, 01:17

Nice result patrick!


22 Feb 2018, 22:20

I encounter this message also on some moments when trying to close a position on a demo account. The behavior is that the client is sending the closing request. I think the server receives the request but needs to process it. When a new tick arrives and and a new closing request is sent while the server is still busy closing the previous closing request, it replies the POSITION_LOCKED. That's the impression that i have during this situation.


22 Feb 2018, 22:11

What about Spotware bringing parts of its platform open source so that we can contribute or work freelance for them? In that way code modules can be provided to Spotware where they only need to evaluate and accept them if ok. Also would the platform progress much faster since quick wins and small feature requests from the whislist could become accomplished much faster.


29 Jul 2017, 04:02 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


MaRCHeW said:

I've faced the same problem. Vsix file is not compatibile in new Visual Studio 2017 Community. 

Does the Spotware have a plan to make this extension compatibile with VS 2017?

Hi Spotware,

Could you please answer the compatibility question onto VS 2017?

Thanks in advance.


14 Jun 2017, 03:00

I'm wondering this same question.


26 Sep 2016, 13:48

Hi soptware,

Is there any update on this?

Thanks in advance.
