
06 Dec 2022, 12:00 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


Spotware dijo:

Estimados comerciantes,

Hemos investigado los informes a fondo y podemos ver que ocurrieron los siguientes eventos

Operaciones en cuentas de seguidores que faltan en el proveedor de estrategia

El proveedor de la estrategia ha realizado depósitos y retiros que provocaron reajustes de capital a capital para seguidores y posiciones que se abrieron y cerraron.

Paradas de cServer

Se han activado muchas paradas para esta estrategia. Estos intercambios se marcan como intercambios provenientes de cServer. Stop out ever puede ser diferente entre corredores y cuentas. por lo que pueden tener lugar en un momento diferente para cada seguidor.


cTrader Equipo




We are still waiting for the information to update us since the failures were evident and we are not obtaining any type of response. I hope you can clarify the problem suffered.
Thanks in advance.


15 Nov 2022, 14:59 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


Además del ingreso de capital, que como ya han comentado y no se produjo en el momento de realización de las operaciones, con lo cual no es argumento defendible. 

Existen otros problemas por resolver, como las operaciones que no aparecen en la cuenta del proveedor, pero si en las cuentas de copia, el parón que se produjo en la forma el jueves pasado alrededor de las tres y no permitió ver la operativa ni realizar ninguna acción...

Los problemas son los mismos, y soluciones de momento, no se ha dado ninguna...

A la Espera vuestra respuesta y solución a los problemas sucedidos.




Spotware said:

Dear traders,

We have investigated the reports thoroughly and we can see that the following events took place

Trades on followers accounts missing from strategy provider

The strategy provider has made deposits and withdrawals that caused equity to equity readjustments to followers and positions to be opened and closed.

cServer Stop Outs

A lot of stop outs have been triggered for this strategy. These trades are marked as trades coming from cServer. Stop out ever might be different between brokers and accounts. so they might take place at a different time for each follower.

Best regards,

cTrader Team



11 Nov 2022, 09:51 ( Updated at: 11 Nov 2022, 09:52 )

platform loading error and unexpected operations...

I am in the same situation, I have a large number of open trades in a matter of milliseconds. In addition, I would have stopped the operations before, but the platform was paralyzed, and I could not see the open operations to be able to stop them.
Since they have apparently not been created by the provider of the strategy.

I can attach the necessary documentation to solve the error.

I was copying QQQ.

Waiting for your answer.


27 Jul 2022, 17:43


Leloup said: Good afternoon, I've been copytrading with ctrader for a few months now, and there are differences between the real account and my personal account with which I copy. But this month is very exaggerated, the account that I follow has an ROI of 9.63% and mine personal 0.53%. How is such a big difference possible?


Waiting for your answer. All the best

   Many (fake) traders play a stupid game: R.O.I. the most delusional. This is to attract the most naive copy cats.
They start with paltry sums, sometimes less than $ 5 and display R.O.I. 5000% when their account climbs 250$ ! Oh, my god : $ 250 ? what a feat !!!
They are not traders. When we do this work, we invest a significant amount. If we don't, we put aside the psychological dimension of trading which represents 90% of the difficulty! And we make others, copiers endure this psychological difficulty with their own money!

What Ctrader should do to be a serious platform for investments (with real day traders or scalpers) :
        - Do not take into account strategies that start with less than $ 1000,
        - Do not allow the amount of the copied account to represent less than 5% of the trader's real money invested in this strategy,
        - At least 25% of the money earned with commissions should be reinvested by the trader in his own strategy.

Until Ctrader enforces these hard and common-sense rules, thousands of poor copiers will become even poorer as the 5000% R.O.I. "stars" explode their account by doing anything without risk of losing a cent on their side!

Be careful friends ! Take care of your money, it is the fruit of your work or that of your loved ones. 
Only work brings money. 
The investor is sacred, he must be respected better than Ctrader does, whose greed destroys his credibility!



