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26 Jan 2013, 17:34


thank you for the tip about moving orderPlaced = true to OnPendingOrderCreated. I have done this.

I hadn't considered anything being asynchronous. Does this often cause problems, maybe there is some documentation I could read about this?

Having added the above eror codes I got a "Disconnected" error last week. I guess that this means that the Internet connection was down temporarily. I will get some network monitoring software to see if I can match any problems with cAlgo with Internet problems.

Just to be sure: "Disconnected" means that there was no connection, rather than that the connection was ended by the server for some reason? Is that right?





26 Jan 2013, 16:48


Recurring issue: I left the platform running on Win 8 all last week. There were no problems until Friday, when the same "memory" message was displayed, so the problem is reproducible although I do not know yet what triggers it. To test I had no robots running all week, just cAlgo, and the computer was not used for anything else (although it is active, online and updates antivirus software etc.)

The message is: cAlgo.exe - System error, A new protection page could not be created for the stack.

Page file: The defult settings for the page file were set at the factory at 25GB, so certainly large enough (probably should be reduced).

Event writer: I will check in the event writer next time the problem occurs. I did not know about the event writer, so that is a big help. I could not see an entry for the last crash, at least I found no mention of cAlgo.

I will try to get more information from the event writer.

Thank you for the tips!



