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13 Sep 2021, 16:01


Shares4UsDevelopment said:

In 3.7 Optimization it is not possible to use the Symbols and SymbolsInfo Class. In 3.7 Backtesting it works.

It will only be filled with 1 symbol namely the current chart symbol.

If you do proper riskmanagement in a multi-symbol environment where the base currency differs from the Account currency you will need to access the Bid&ask prices or at least the PipValue/PipSize.

At this moment that is not possible in the 3.7 release Optimizing but it is available in the 3.7 Backtesting.

Please make it available ASAP to ensure your users can make informed decisions about taking a position or not.

So I hope you will give this a bit of priority. for the sake of the financial well-being of your users.

Someone on a discord server I'm on, told be that Spotware was working on this. Can Anyone confirm this?
Is there any Idea if or when it will be possible and if the developers are working on this?


05 Sep 2021, 16:08

Editor support for C# string interpolation

Any update on this yet? would be nice but i know how time consuming this stuff can be.
