
10 Sep 2021, 13:36

RE: What about optimizing ctrader forex hand trading strategies?


The idea is not that bad LOL. I wouldn’t mind collecting such stats for myself. Would it be possible to connect a fitness tracker to cTrader? :) Jokes aside, no, I just want to use technical information from my past trades such as the time of the trade, etc - to get some insights and possibly improve the future trading results, optimize the strategy using some data that might not be obvious at first glance, but is obvious if you look at it from machine perspective. 


09 Sep 2021, 00:26

What about optimizing ctrader forex hand trading strategies?

Yeah, but for now I don’t see the opportunity to do that using the ctrader platform built-in features.That doesn’t seem to be a rocket science to use the trading history as an input or am I missing something?   


07 Sep 2021, 13:06

LOL, I didn't even try. I don't think that strategies based on visual patterns recognition and price action can be formalized clearly enough. 
