
Username: JS15
Member since: 15 Jan 2015
Last login: 13 Sep 2024
Status: Active


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JS15 · 3 months ago

Hi I love this version of the spread. I'm so terrible with code. How would I change this code to show a decimal. Thanks

JS15 · 4 years ago

Hi looks cool. How do I use it? What do I look for?


JS15 · 4 years ago

Hi there, a generous person on the cTrader Telegram who goes by the name /DarthMaulAtWork/ showed me what to do. Thanks again!

I copied and pasted the code below. It only highlights the 1sd but if you add:

[Cloud("Upper Deviation 2", "Lower Deviation 2")]


[Cloud("Upper Deviation 3", "Lower Deviation 3")]

below [Cloud("Upper Deviation 1", "Lower Deviation 1")]

you can shade the 2nd and 3rd Std Deviation bands too.

Thank you for the coding of this indicator, it is amazing!!!

using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Cloud("Upper Deviation 1", "Lower Deviation 1")]
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AutoRescale = false, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class VWAPCloud : Indicator
        public TimeFrame TF { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Show Interruptions", DefaultValue = false)]
        public bool ShowInterruptions { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Show Standard Deviations", Group = "Standard Deviations", DefaultValue = false)]
        public bool ShowSTDs { get; set; }
        [Parameter("First Multiplier", Group = "Standard Deviations", DefaultValue = 1)]
        public double STD1M { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Second Multiplier", Group = "Standard Deviations", DefaultValue = 2)]
        public double STD2M { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Third Multiplier", Group = "Standard Deviations", DefaultValue = 3)]
        public double STD3M { get; set; }

        [Output("Main", Color = Colors.Orange, Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries Result { get; set; }

        [Output("Upper Deviation 1", Color = Colors.RoyalBlue, Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries STD1U { get; set; }
        [Output("Lower Deviation 1", Color = Colors.RoyalBlue, Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries STD1D { get; set; }
        [Output("Upper Deviation 2", Color = Colors.RoyalBlue, Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries STD2U { get; set; }
        [Output("Lower Deviation 2", Color = Colors.RoyalBlue, Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries STD2D { get; set; }
        [Output("Upper Deviation 3", Color = Colors.RoyalBlue, Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries STD3U { get; set; }
        [Output("Lower Deviation 3", Color = Colors.RoyalBlue, Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries STD3D { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Build Lines", Group = "Lines", DefaultValue = false)]
        public bool BuilLines { get; set; }

        public IndicatorDataSeries tpv;
        private MarketSeries Series;
        private int LastStartIndex = 0;

        protected override void Initialize()
            Series = MarketData.GetSeries(TF);
            tpv = CreateDataSeries();

        public override void Calculate(int index)
            tpv[index] = MarketSeries.Close[index] * MarketSeries.TickVolume[index];

            int startIndex = MarketSeries.OpenTime.GetIndexByTime(Series.OpenTime[Series.OpenTime.GetIndexByTime(MarketSeries.OpenTime[index])]);

            if (startIndex > LastStartIndex)
                if (ShowInterruptions)
                    Chart.DrawIcon("Interruption " + startIndex, ChartIconType.Diamond, startIndex, Result[startIndex - 1], Color.Yellow);

            double cptv = 0, cv = 0;

            for (int i = index; i >= startIndex; --i)
                cptv += tpv[i];
                cv += MarketSeries.TickVolume[i];

            Result[index] = cptv / cv;

            //Standard deviation

            if (ShowSTDs)
                double squaredErrors = 0;

                for (int i = index; i >= startIndex; --i)
                    squaredErrors += Math.Pow(MarketSeries.Close[i] - Result[index], 2);

                squaredErrors /= (index - startIndex + 1);
                squaredErrors = Math.Sqrt(squaredErrors);

                STD1U[index] = squaredErrors * STD1M + Result[index];
                STD1D[index] = Result[index] - squaredErrors * STD1M;
                STD2U[index] = squaredErrors * STD2M + Result[index];
                STD2D[index] = Result[index] - squaredErrors * STD2M;
                STD3U[index] = squaredErrors * STD3M + Result[index];
                STD3D[index] = Result[index] - squaredErrors * STD3M;

            //Build lines

            if (BuilLines)
                Chart.DrawTrendLine("Fixed " + startIndex, startIndex, Result[startIndex - 1], index, Result[startIndex - 1], Color.Yellow);

JS15 · 4 years ago

Hi there,

Thank you for this awesome indicator!

Ctrader now enables you to draw semi-transparent clouds between two indicator lines. I was wondering if you could draw a cloud between the Upper and Lower 1SD VWAP Bands if possible.

Happy to pay for this to be done.

Please let me know.

Love your work.

Thank you



JS15 · 5 years ago

Awesome indicator! Is there any way to convert it to Sierra Chart?


JS15 · 9 years ago

Hi Awesome indicator.

How did you write the color shading between the two lines in C Algo.

I wanted to do that with Bollinger Bands ie. Color shade between the upper and lower bands.


JS15 · 9 years ago

Hi, thanks for the indicator. Would you know how to shade the area between the upper and lower bands?

I saw the Ichimoku Cloud has shading and and tried to see how it was done but could not find it. Here is the example /algos/indicators/show/381.


JS15 · 9 years ago


This indicator is amazing. Would you by and chance have the cAlgo code for a Regression line also known as Linear Regression Forecast. Cheers JS