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05 Jan 2015, 05:02 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


sargedessy said:

AlexanderRC said:

cTrader works under Wine. Sort of. Here is the screenshot.

Note that there are problems with bars.Some lines are not drawn. If I move the graphs back and forth, the bars are overdrawn without clearing the scrolled out content first and the graph becomes a mess. The popup windows (menus in menu bar, dropdowns) are very slow to appear.

Steps to reproduce this screenshot. I was using a virtual machine in VMware Workstation 10.0.3 for Linux. The host OS was Xubuntu 14.04(.1) LTS amd64.

  1. Install Xubuntu 14.04.1 x86 from iso into a vm. I allocated 2 CPU cores and 3GiB of memory.
  2. apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y
  3. apt-get install wine -y
  4. From winetricks install vcrun6, msxml6 and dotnet4. I am not sure if vcrun6 or msxml6 are required, I just kind of followed bellong's steps. Windows Installer was not required. I did not change windows version, it stayed at Windows XP.
  5. Then install cTrader from your broker using Open with "Wine Windows Program Loader" context menu item from GUI (or wine command from the shell). Obviously I used my own broker, Romanov Capital.
  6. Use find ~/.wine -iname ctrader.exe -print0 | xargs -0 wine command to run cTrader again.

I have not yet tested cAlgo.

At first I tried to use x64 version of Xubuntu for the virtual machine. msxml6 refused to install due to .wine directory being configured for x64. I deleted the .wine directory and recreated it with WINEARCH=WIN32 winecfg command for x86. msxml6 installed correctly. The next problem was in cTrader installer (.exe) that failed to parse machine.config from .Net installation directory with some obscure exception that XML was invalid and the inner exception was NotImplemented. After that I tried x86 version of Xubuntu and it worked with minimal steps

Next steps to try.

  1. Run installed cTrader/cAlgo under Mono. Mono's website states that WPF is not yet implemented, but some versions of Silverlight are. Silverlight is a subset of WPF and there is a rather small probability that required WPF functionaly for cTrader/cAlgo is covered.
  2. Run installer under Mono. The Mono's website states that ClickOnce APIs are not yet implemented, so this is likely to fail.
  3. Register handler for .appref-ms to run ClickOnce application from the GUI. On Windows it is registered as rundll32.exe dfshim.dll,ShOpenVerbShortcut %1|%2
  4. Try some graphical tweaks to get rid of the glitches and slowness. My vm was running with 3D acceleratoion off and that was a vm after all.


I've tried your steps and bellog's steps exactly, aside from the fact that I'm using Wineskin on a Mac. When I'm installing the official spotware or the Pepperstone version of ctrader, the installation would fail when it tries to install dotnet 4 or windows installer 4.5.

Any suggestions?



Hey sargedessy,

I found the same thing with Wineskin, I couldn't get any version of dotnet to install except 20 and 40.

When you try to install 4.5 it pre-reqs 2.0 then says that any later version conflicts with 2.0.

Need to get with the Wineskin team and see if this can be resolved.
