
Username: joeatbayes
Member since: 06 Dec 2014
Last login: 06 Dec 2014
Status: Active


Where Created Comments
Algorithms 2 4
Forum Topics 1 13
Jobs 0 0


CTO & Chief Algorithms Scientist Bayes Analytic LLC. Specializing in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applied to predicting future prices.

Last Algorithm Comments

joeatbayes · 9 years ago

See: /algos/cbots/show/588  and /algos/cbots/show/591

joeatbayes · 9 years ago

Hey Deansi,   I took the time to add the order book values you mentioned.   Let me know if it was what you intended. 

joeatbayes · 9 years ago

I found a free data source with older data  it takes a little work to coerce the file formats to match.  I have found that working with tick data it doesn't seem to do much good to feed more than 200 days into our Machine Learning algorithms but the longer time frames are helpful when back-testing to see how the engine accommodates changing market conditions. 

joeatbayes · 9 years ago

Hey King,   Good point on the localized numbers.    I think it would be better to use \t as the delimiter so excel can still load it as delimited file than ";"  

Densi,  Thanks for the tip on the MarketDepth.  I will change that as it makes more sense to feed into external engines.       The isBacktesting flag is much appreciated.

I updated my bar downloader to attempt to backfill correctly but don't have time to do the same with the Tickdata. Perhaps in Jan.