14 Apr 2016, 00:09
03 Feb 2014, 10:25
22 Apr 2013, 20:48
30 Nov 2012, 21:44
28 Nov 2012, 20:32

19 Mar 2021, 09:57


intraflay said:

After posting with my concerns over the moving of the time periods along with other tools, plus the non-visible "workspace" open now, what are people's thoughts? 

Panagiotis kindly responded and explained that a lot of traders requested for the time frame period buttons to be moved to the top to create more chart space - but as I explained, there were/are(!) a LOT of traders who liked them where they were... But just did not 'request for them to never be moved' in future versions. Browsing the forum again today, it's clear from a large number of posts that I am not alone in disliking this layout. 

Maybe getting a group of peoples opinions here together may make the overall feelings from cTrader's users clearer, rather than lots of different posts either praising or moaning about it!

There are some great new features in 4.0 which make our lives easier, such as the duplicate chart, speedier drawing shortcuts etc - a lot of which were a long time coming - and so I want to make it clear that I am not here just to bash Spotware and their team... I love the software. BUT, moving the basics around when so many are used to it for me is a huge no no, and even after a few days with it, I hate it more than the first. It feels as if someone has upgraded the sound system and given me another 100BHP in my car, but swapped the clutch and accelerator pedals around whilst they were doing it! 

Of course, the ultimate solution would be to have the choice; a "classic" layout, and then this "new" layout. 

But, IF, that's not possible, please vote, a simple yes or no;   YES, keep the current 4.0 layout, or NO, bring back the 3.8 layout.





17 Mar 2021, 11:40

Absolutely not happy with this new update having all the left side bar moved to the top, I flip through timeframes often zooming in and out and this makes it so awkward. 

Is there any way I can roll back to the previous version? Or as the poster above said, give us the option, don't just force a change on us !


07 Jan 2017, 03:00

Come on dev team....? 


18 Nov 2013, 17:50


Spotware said:


It will make more sence when we release Tick Charts, Range Bars, Point & Figure etc. 



Ok thanks, when are you planning on releasing the update with those? A Harmonic gartley pattern indicator would be great IMO.


15 Nov 2013, 12:31

Here is an image of what I'm talking about.



15 Nov 2013, 12:26

Specifically, the timeframe button and the button which you can select how you view the chart, candlesticks, lines or bar. I know it's minor but I really have no idea why you would go to the trouble in doing this?


23 Apr 2013, 11:07

Thankyou, lec.


22 Apr 2013, 21:07

I'd also like to add, I have no idea how to code in C# so this would be a massive help.

