
10 Jan 2021, 11:23 ( Updated at: 10 Jan 2021, 11:36 )

Set IsInteractive

Hi,  does the example work for you? With me it does not work, nothing changed, the chart is still empty after backup was done.

Maybe it's because var rect5 ist local scoped?


02 Dec 2020, 13:37

RE: How to save Optimization results

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi uwescheffold,

OnStop()  was just an example. If you need access to GetFitnessArgs then you can do the export inside the GetFitness() method.

Best Regards,


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Did you know that the call of GetFitness only happens when the "optimisation criteria - custom" radiobtn is checked? But then you have to provide you own optimisation algo also. Do you realy know how your system is working?






02 Dec 2020, 11:15

RE: How to save Optimization results

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi uwescheffold,

What duketv is implying is that you can write this code in your cBot e.g. in OnStop() function. If it is a one hour job as you say, then it should not be so hard.

Best Regards,


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Sorry for replaying again. But saving parameters in OnStop means that you have access to the fitness-result-values in OnStop.

But that is not the case - sorry. What is needed is a parameter that contains the optimization result for the current run.

You can see that in the "protected virtual double GetFitness(GetFitnessArgs args)". In other words, OnStop would need access to the GetFittnessArgs-structure.

Would you point out a way to da that?





02 Dec 2020, 09:55

RE: How to save Optimization results

duketv said:

you can save individual pass parameters in an external file on your computer. Does that help?

No,sorry that does not help. Imagine there are 1050 results, to say save the parameters one after the other is - sadistic!

And what I need to analyse is the result of the optimisation and the parameters. The parameters alone are usless, since you have to run the backtest again to gets reults.

But anyway, I can't understand why it takes so long to inplement such an easy but neccessary function!

An a software developer I know that the solution would take only short time, one hour or so.

All you have to do is:

1.) apply save/load button to the panel.

2.) OnKlick, open File dialog.

3.) If successful save/load the tabledata in a xml, csv  or whatever file. Methods for that are readyto use in C#.

Alll of thois is realy simple and as it is not done for the last 4 jears, I assume that ther are no developers available? 

And consequently, does it make sense to use a system which can't be adapted to actual and future needs?







26 Nov 2020, 11:57

Save parameters still missing

The thread is now about 4 jears old. The feature is more that neccessary for working with the system. I am wondering if there are any developer here and if CTrader is the right system for me.


MrPro said:

Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

Thank you for your suggestions. We will consider them.

Additionally, you can vote for Exporting the Optimization settings at:

Please just add it in the next build. Don't consider it to long. It is needed! Just do it! ;)

See the comments there.



22 Nov 2020, 13:41

Backtesting is dead now for nearly whole weekend. This is unacceptable.

The time to do backtests with the system is gone and wasted. If it's not a bug, please disable this "feature" at once.

I can't see any technical reason for such a "feature" since all what is needed is a cache data. Once filled, there is no need for a server connection at all.

And I can't see why it should not be possible to run the server continiously, except maybe for some hours maintennace, but even that could be done during night times and with previous information to the user. Btw. the feature is not "available" with competitors. NinjaTrader runs whenever you want and even. MT4/5 does. 

If it is a bug please correct it ----> now!

For me such a behaviour, if seen for a longer time, is a showstopper for using CTrader at all. 



