09 Mar 2021, 11:23
30 Nov 2020, 04:09
10 Nov 2020, 08:43

29 Jul 2021, 13:08


amusleh said:


We just want to be sure that there is such an issue, and if possible can you post a sample cBot code that can replicate this issue.

cant post sample code as i dont own the bot. For summary reporting, sometimes its correct. I will continue monitor and check again. I am aware that summary wont report till test is completed. If test was incomplete likely no summary so is not a case whereby test was ongoing. I am checking to make sure that backtest has ended n the end period that i selected has ended (the "needle" or progress bar with date shown is my end date) to ensure completeness as well


29 Jul 2021, 11:22

amusleh said:

SmallStep said:

Hi is v4.0 and brokerage=ICMarkets

I am also getting weird data, eg, I ran VBT from 1/1/2012 to 31/12/2020, start time 0101 to 2359 (bot trading times) i cant get any 2019 or 2020 trades at all. It might be the bot settings, but when i tried with same date ranges, same other settings and time 0101 to 0459, i got some 2020 trades. It might be some bugs with the bot, but would like to know whether there might be the issue and not with ctrader VBT


I test but I couldn't replicate the issue, can you record a short video?

Hi I could do a vbt and record it, but results is only after testing is done, so i am not really sure, how video can proof the summary function may have bugs?


28 Jul 2021, 15:19

Hi is v4.0 and brokerage=ICMarkets

I am also getting weird data, eg, I ran VBT from 1/1/2012 to 31/12/2020, start time 0101 to 2359 (bot trading times) i cant get any 2019 or 2020 trades at all. It might be the bot settings, but when i tried with same date ranges, same other settings and time 0101 to 0459, i got some 2020 trades. It might be some bugs with the bot, but would like to know whether there might be the issue and not with ctrader VBT



12 Apr 2021, 09:13 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi SmallStep,

History displays the executed deals. TP and SL are a property of the position on not of the individual deals. Also it might change many times during the position's lifetime. So a column in the History tab with not represent meaningful information. To see information about the TP and SL, you need to go to Deals information > Position Details and there you can see the current TP and SL, as well as the history of TP and SL modifications.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram

Thank u, this is indeed more useful than the usual s/l, t/p levels shown on mt4/mt5 columns


05 Apr 2021, 13:04

thank you, i got your reply in TG, please closed this


05 Apr 2021, 10:44

Hi margin level formula

(Balance  + floating P/L (equity) / margin used) * 100%

if provider or you has a lower margin level these could be the reason

1) Provider/you have a higher leverage eg if provider=500 leverage and you have=100. Having less leverage meant a higher margin required

FORMULA for margin required/needed

Basically formula for margin required==> Vol of trades x contract size x entry price / leverage

eg vol of trades=0.05, contract size=100.000, entry price=1.22573 (for EURUSD)

for an account with 500 leverage margin needed/used==>0.05 x 100,000 x 1.22573 /500==>$12.26 (its a currency thus its rounded to 2 decimal)

for an account with just 100 leverage margin needed/used==> 5x as much $61.29 (5000x1.22573/100)

For some instruments eg BTCUSD there might be different margin requirements. You have to look at the instrument's specifications to calculate margin as above formula


Formula for margin level

When a trade is open there would be floating p/l, cause by

a) market movement eg you buy 5000 EURUSD, bid price=1.22574

b) spreads

c) commission as charged by brokerage

d) swaps is any

Due to differences in margin used the same floating p/l eg $100 negative have different impact on the account,

Assume that both accounts have $1000

For account with 500 leverage, the margin used as calculated above was $12.26, thus a floating negative of $100,

Margin level[=$1000 + (-100) / $12.26] x 100%==>7340.94%

For account with 100 leverage, the margin used as calculated above as $61.29

Margin level=[$1000 + (-100) / $61.29] x 100%==>1468%


I suggest you goto to learn about basic concept of margin/margin level







29 Mar 2021, 11:12

cant reproduce the screen shot as I have set it back and not sure whether other clients didnt. you can ask members in ctrader (non official) group TG, most of them that set equity stop loss got affected


11 Mar 2021, 00:36 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

RE: Disallow Provider to start with a balance below minimum stated on his/her strategy

In addition, I realised that I cant withdraw till below minimum investment amount unless i stop copying. Since this is the case

1) Provider should not be allowed to withdraw below minimum investment amount at any point

2) Provider should not have a balance BELOW his/her stated minimum investment. It wont make reasonable proportionate ratio if provider has eg $100 and stated a minimum investment of $200, thus forcing an investor to invest MORE than his/her own starting balance. Preventing this will forced any provider to decide carefully on the minimum to be invested into the strategy "putting his/her money to match his/her strategy"

This request is to ensure that BOTH provider and subscriber have the SAME investment condition during withdrawal and during trading

The provider stated minimum invested amount of $250, charged a 25% performance fees and also $25/$million USD volume fee. Notice that balance was $315.8. All of a sudden followed by at least 50 or so trades all closed within less than 1 min and balance for 1st lost trade went to $4.91. This meant that provider purposely withdraw his funds to  about $5, quickly started to fire off loads of trades and make sure closed them within 1min. This then created an imbalance into subscriber's acct creating huge lots into subscriber who had the minimum of $250 (as was stated)

This is obvious churning of accounts

SUGGESTION: Spotware should check and disallow provider to WITHDRAW more than the his/her own stated minimum balance so that to remain proportionate and appropriate for his/her own strategy. This will also reduce this kind of churning behavior so that provider realised he also had something more to lose

At point at which a subscriber followed/copy a strategy ctrader copy logic will check and disallow if subscriber has LESS than whats stated as minimum, as well as alert the subscriber if he/she has lesser leverage than provider. This should be reciprocal applied to provider too block withdrawal below his/her own stated minimum investment amt





24 Feb 2021, 10:36

open ctrader accounts from same ctrader.exe

Hi Panagiotis

My issue is that i have 2 brokerages and i did sign up with same email and notified that all accounts to be linked to my ctid. I downloaded from brokerage A the ctrader.exe and installed that (on desktop). I am able to open a few sessions each with different accounts for SAME brokerage but not able for different brokerage. I just cant view brokerage B's accts under brokerage A ctrader despite using same ctid.

In mt4 its easily solved by doing a "search' and just login and install mt4.exe to different folder. So basically i can download brokerage A mt4.exe installed into eg Folder=Brokerage A, folder=BrokerB to get 2 mt4. Then i login to mt4/1 with brokerage A details for my accts. Open mt4 and do a search for brokerage B and click against that, and login to brokerage B mt4 account. If search didnt return anything meaningful its always possible to directly typed the server name, account number and password.

I have asked around and seems nobody can give an intelligent answer how to use the same ctrader installer from brokerage A to view brokerage B ctrader acct thats has the same CTID. even the cweb (ctrader web base) used different URL for different brokerages. I dont quite mind the different URL as i can always open a new tab or a new window and work with that, but for desktop ctrader it should be easy to login to ONE ctid and able to view all brokerage accts. Or i am doing something wrong, coz I have watched the tutorial video and its suppose to be working and its working under cweb at the moment. My friend show me that he had 3 brokerages ctrader all able to view under cweb under same ctid


09 Jan 2021, 15:23

This is as reported by web ctrader, and its not a matter of freshing the screen coz i captured this some weeks later and found out about error earlier. This account beloe to a provider and I was checking out his signals and trying to tally the totals.


10 Nov 2020, 08:44


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi lym1609,

Please use the Suggestions section for your suggestions.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram

Hi have done so, how do i delete this? If you could please help delete as I have copied my suggestion into the suggestion section of ctrader tag ctrader copy
