
20 May 2022, 09:09


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi kebbo,

Heikin Ashi charts are not available in cTrader Desktop yet. They will be added in a future update.

Best Regards,


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Hi Panagiotis,

thank you very much for the fast answer!

Have a nice weekend!

Best regards


13 Jul 2021, 16:35


manelfx9530 said:

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi manelfx9530,

Probably your broker did not receive the update yet.

Best Regards,


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Thanks, that might be it then. For now i'm using my keyboard with the ENG layout so i can work it around.

Hi, yes, that was an automatic update. Suddenly it worked again.

But I would still be interested in finding out where the bug was?  
Maybe Panagiotis could explain it to us a bit, for those of us who are interested :)

Have a nice week!




09 Jul 2021, 15:48


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi kebbo,

This issue should have been fixed in 4.1.6 of cTrader Desktop. Can you check which version you are running?

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

Updated and working, thank you! Have a nice weekend!


08 Jul 2021, 16:43


kebbo said:

kebbo said:

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi to both,

Not sure what systems or keyboards do you use but curly brackets on a Windows machine with a US keyboard are typed using Shift + [. 

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

Hi you two!

Thanks first of all for the answers and participation! Unfortunately the problem still exists, Spotware directly could not help me and referred me again to this forum.
I hope we can still solve the problem together.

It is definitely not the keyboard, because the PC setup and the hardware worked fine before. Furthermore the CTRL ALT functions do not work only in the code editor! If I enter the curly bracket in the "cBot search field", it works! It works everywhere but not in the code editor of the cTrader software on this single PC.... Reinstallation didn't help unfortunately....very happened while programming, maybe I pressed a key combination by mistake, and triggered this bug...still I haven't solved it yet....

Thank you guys and have a nice weekend!


Hello again,

have now made the following discovery: I transferred one of my cbots to another PC with open source code to continue working there, from this point on (I'm 75% sure) the brackets don't work there either. This bot was edited with Visual Studio, could there be a connection?
very suspicious.

best regards

No one?
Who can I ask? Spotware refers to this forum...


22 Jun 2021, 20:05


kebbo said:

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi to both,

Not sure what systems or keyboards do you use but curly brackets on a Windows machine with a US keyboard are typed using Shift + [. 

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

Hi you two!

Thanks first of all for the answers and participation! Unfortunately the problem still exists, Spotware directly could not help me and referred me again to this forum.
I hope we can still solve the problem together.

It is definitely not the keyboard, because the PC setup and the hardware worked fine before. Furthermore the CTRL ALT functions do not work only in the code editor! If I enter the curly bracket in the "cBot search field", it works! It works everywhere but not in the code editor of the cTrader software on this single PC.... Reinstallation didn't help unfortunately....very happened while programming, maybe I pressed a key combination by mistake, and triggered this bug...still I haven't solved it yet....

Thank you guys and have a nice weekend!


Hello again,

have now made the following discovery: I transferred one of my cbots to another PC with open source code to continue working there, from this point on (I'm 75% sure) the brackets don't work there either. This bot was edited with Visual Studio, could there be a connection?
very suspicious.

best regards


11 Jun 2021, 19:07


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi to both,

Not sure what systems or keyboards do you use but curly brackets on a Windows machine with a US keyboard are typed using Shift + [. 

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

Hi you two!

Thanks first of all for the answers and participation! Unfortunately the problem still exists, Spotware directly could not help me and referred me again to this forum.
I hope we can still solve the problem together.

It is definitely not the keyboard, because the PC setup and the hardware worked fine before. Furthermore the CTRL ALT functions do not work only in the code editor! If I enter the curly bracket in the "cBot search field", it works! It works everywhere but not in the code editor of the cTrader software on this single PC.... Reinstallation didn't help unfortunately....very happened while programming, maybe I pressed a key combination by mistake, and triggered this bug...still I haven't solved it yet....

Thank you guys and have a nice weekend!



27 Mar 2021, 22:03



I followed the link and read it through, thank you.

amusleh said:

A DateTimeOffset Offset property returns the offset or difference of that DateTimeOffset from UTC, it doesn't change if you change the system time settings.



Here we are exactly at the point where I have difficulties in understanding.

You say an offset value from UTC time, but what is the reference time? If the reference point (from which the offset is calculated) is my system time, then the DateTimeOffset value should also adjust when the system time changes, shouldn't it?


best regards


27 Mar 2021, 09:29


amusleh said:

kebbo said:

Hi again,

do you have more precise information on which time value "DateTimeOffset" refers to? Where are the times taken from which the offset value is calculated?

When I use DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset.Hours, I always have the same value output, regardless of the platform time set, as well as regardless of the computer system time set.
This could help me, but for my understanding I would like to know how this offset value is calculated.

Best regards

Read this: 

Both DateTime.Now and DateTimeOffset.Now gives you the system time, you can get time from somewhere else like an API if you have one or if you don't have any you can use the web requests time, you can find other options if you google.

Hi and thank you again!

I did some experiments with the DateTimeOffset class and got the "Offset hours" output as described in my previous post.
Additionally the server time and the system time via the DateTime.
I then set the system time one hour earlier or later and found that the offset value always remained the same. I therefore asked myself where the time for DateTimeOffset is taken from.
With DateTime, the new time is output when the system time is changed.

Do you understand what I mean?

DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset.Hours gives me the difference in hours between my system time and the server time, right? But why do they stay the same when I change the system time...?

best regards


26 Mar 2021, 18:12


Hi again,

do you have more precise information on which time value "DateTimeOffset" refers to? Where are the times taken from which the offset value is calculated?

When I use DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset.Hours, I always have the same value output, regardless of the platform time set, as well as regardless of the computer system time set.
This could help me, but for my understanding I would like to know how this offset value is calculated.

Best regards


24 Mar 2021, 08:37


amusleh said:

kebbo said:


thank you very much for your detailed answer!

I will test this once, however, I do not have so much experience with web requests, possibly there are difficulties with the implementation.

Is it possible to access the time information that is displayed at the bottom right of the platform at "current time:"?

Thank you!

I updated the code, please try again.

Thanks again for your effort!

I would like to get along without WebRequests.
Do you have any other ideas, or are you convinced that there is no other way?

Is it possible to access the time displayed at the bottom right of cTrader? This time is retrieved directly from the server, isn't it?

When backtesting, I need the current time and not the times of the respective candle, and also not the system time of the executing PC, but the current server time...

It would be great if you could help me.

Many greetings and many thanks



22 Mar 2021, 19:21


thank you very much for your detailed answer!

I will test this once, however, I do not have so much experience with web requests, possibly there are difficulties with the implementation.

Is it possible to access the time information that is displayed at the bottom right of the platform at "current time:"?

Thank you!


03 Oct 2020, 21:44


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

OnTick() is called whenever a bir or ask price is changed for any of the subscribed symbols. Hence it will not correspond to the movement of the chart.



Hi Panagiotis,

This is a point I suspected! The OnTick method is also called when a tick change happens in one of the other instruments, right? Not only in relation to the chart where the bot was started... this would explain a lot, I wasn't aware of it....Thank you!

Thank you also very much for your enlightening words!

Now I have taken a step forward.

I am not (yet) a professional programmer and have recognized the described problem and tried to develop a solution for it with my knowledges, this is how this approach came into being. I noticed relatively quickly that this can't be the right way, because it didn't work ;).
I am now in the process of rewriting my code a bit and integrating your approach.

best regards



30 Sep 2020, 23:23


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi kebbo,

If I understood your intentions correctly, then the correct solution is the below

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class Testbot : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }

        Bars EURUSD_m5;
        Bars GBPUSD_m5;
        Bars AUDUSD_m5;

        DateTime EURUSD_LastOpenTime;
        DateTime GBPUSD_LastOpenTime;
        DateTime AUDUSD_LastOpenTime;
        protected override void OnStart()
            EURUSD_m5 = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Minute5, "EURUSD");
            GBPUSD_m5 = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Minute5, "GBPUSD");
            AUDUSD_m5 = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Minute5, "AUDUSD");

        protected override void OnBar()


        protected override void OnTick()
            if (EURUSD_m5.OpenTimes.LastValue != EURUSD_LastOpenTime)
                EURUSD_LastOpenTime = EURUSD_m5.OpenTimes.LastValue;
            if (GBPUSD_m5.OpenTimes.LastValue != GBPUSD_LastOpenTime)
                GBPUSD_LastOpenTime = GBPUSD_m5.OpenTimes.LastValue;
            if (AUDUSD_m5.OpenTimes.LastValue != AUDUSD_LastOpenTime)
                AUDUSD_LastOpenTime = AUDUSD_m5.OpenTimes.LastValue;


Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram

Hi Panagiotis!

Thanks again for your quick and detailed answer.
I can understand your way of thinking and your code, but it does not exactly fulfill my wishes.
When I execute your code in the M1 chart, I only get the prices every 5 minutes, because the time data of the 5m charts are compared.
But I want to achieve that I can run the bot in the M1 and every minute an update of the prices comes in, no matter if a new candle is forming in the M5, M15 or any other chart.

I want to record the close price of the last completed candle every minute for further processing, no matter in which timeframe it was formed.

If you now use my code, you will notice that every minute the three prices are displayed, they should be 5x identical and then again different because there is a new candle. However, and this is the problem, sometimes the close prices of the last candle are not taken, but the previous one, because the 5M chart does not seem to have "updated" yet.

1.  for example, in EURUSD (where the bot is running) a new M1 candle was started, now the three added M5 charts are asked for their last close prices. But then the previous price is taken (from the candle before, which has to be index 2) and not the one that just closed the candle. Why? Is the bot faster than updating every chart? many lines of code can be "processed" per tick? If the market makes a jump of about 5 ticks, will the onTick method be called 5x completely? Even if the market is faster than the bot?

3. if you use my code above and add the commented out area, it will "save time" because the bot needs 10 ticks before it asks the close prices, that would work, but it only counts up cleanly once right after the start (every tick increases the counter), but from the second candle/call it jumps very fast to the needed 10 ticks although there was no price movement at all, why is that? Why are the ticks with this code not counted cleanly before the algorithm continues?

See the following protocol and note the times:

The first time 10 ticks movement was actually counted, this took about 6 sec. The next time the market was called by a new candle in the M1, the tick counter jumps up within 3 sec. even though the market did not move 10 ticks...

30/09/2020 19:53:09.258 | cBot "Testbot" was stopped for EURUSD, m1.
30/09/2020 19:53:04.743 | 1,1726 1,2917 0,7168
30/09/2020 19:53:04.712 | 9
30/09/2020 19:53:04.493 | 8
30/09/2020 19:53:04.493 | 7
30/09/2020 19:53:04.446 | 6
30/09/2020 19:53:01.821 | 5
30/09/2020 19:53:01.680 | 4
30/09/2020 19:53:01.555 | 3
30/09/2020 19:53:01.462 | 2
30/09/2020 19:53:01.430 | 1
30/09/2020 19:53:01.399 | 0
30/09/2020 19:52:09.462 | 1,1726 1,2917 0,7168
30/09/2020 19:52:08.712 | 9
30/09/2020 19:52:08.071 | 8
30/09/2020 19:52:07.853 | 7
30/09/2020 19:52:07.384 | 6
30/09/2020 19:52:06.931 | 5
30/09/2020 19:52:06.712 | 4
30/09/2020 19:52:05.775 | 3
30/09/2020 19:52:04.587 | 2
30/09/2020 19:52:03.884 | 1
30/09/2020 19:52:03.728 | 0
30/09/2020 19:51:48.274 | cBot "Testbot" was started successfully for EURUSD, m1.

Thanks for your help with this complex problem!









29 Sep 2020, 17:47


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi kebbo,

It would be easier for us to help you if you posted the complete cBot code and explained how we can reproduce the problem. With the information I have, I can only suggest that you check for a change in the last bar's open time, to detect when the bar has changed.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram

Hi Panagiotis,

thank you very much for your quick answer and help with my long text! Sorry for my late reaction.

You're right, it's hard to understand the problem without code. I have shortened the code, already in my own interest, so far that it is almost limited to the actual problem. The actual algorithm is much longer, but that is not what this is about.

What do I want to achieve, what do I expect?

The bot runs in the M1 chart and includes 3 more (+the instrument in which the bot runs) instruments. But the 3 added instruments run in the M5 chart.
Now I want my code to be executed every minute and I want to include the respective close price of the already completed 5 minutes candles in the calculation. Therefore I wrote my code in the OnBar method, the actual function (5x output per 5minute candle) also works, as expected!
However, I was surprised by the results and to find out what the error was, I added some print methods, which print the close prices every minute.

Now you can clearly see that the 3 close prices are printed every minute, but not always the CURRENT close price of the previous 5 minute candle, especially when a new candle starts. I think the bot is faster than updating the respective close price of each instrument, or not?

So my code is not usable and I was wondering how to solve the problem.
1. thread.sleep method. I don't like this solution, because the backtest is not fast.
2. I have also implemented the OnTick method (see the commented out section in my code below) and let some ticks pass until the close price is printed, so I can guarantee that in every instrument the candle is closed.
Here you can see that after the start of the bot, the ticks are counted correctly, but at the next minute all 10 ticks are printed one after the other, although there is no market movement and the initial error that the close price is not correct is present again...

my questions now :
1. Do you have an elegant solution for me, how I can achieve that the close price is correctly recorded when changing candles in the M5 chart?

2.Why are the ticks in my 2nd solution no longer counted correctly from the 2nd candle onwards?



Please run my bot on your system so that you can reproduce the error if necessary. Can you reproduce it?

Thanks for your help, have a nice day!




using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class Testbot : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }

        int bar_count = 0;
        int bar_count1 = 0;
        int tick_count = 0;

        Symbol EURUSD;
        Symbol GBPUSD;
        Symbol AUDUSD;

        Bars EURUSD_m5;
        Bars GBPUSD_m5;
        Bars AUDUSD_m5;

        protected override void OnBar()

        protected override void OnTick()

            if (bar_count == bar_count1)

  /*   if (tick_count < 10)

            bar_count1 = bar_count;
            tick_count = 0;

            EURUSD = Symbols.GetSymbol("EURUSD");
            GBPUSD = Symbols.GetSymbol("GBPUSD");
            AUDUSD = Symbols.GetSymbol("AUDUSD");
            EURUSD_m5 = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Minute5, "EURUSD");
            GBPUSD_m5 = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Minute5, "GBPUSD");
            AUDUSD_m5 = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Minute5, "AUDUSD");

            Print(EURUSD_m5.ClosePrices.Last(1) + "     " + GBPUSD_m5.ClosePrices.Last(1) + "     " + AUDUSD_m5.ClosePrices.Last(1));



