31 Mar 2021, 09:28
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk,
This means that either the account or the application has been disabled by the broker. You need to go back to your broker to investigate further.
Best Regards,
I've logged a ticket with pepperstone but not joy in getting it working again yet
I'm able to make trades through the front end trading application so the accounts are not disabled.
Is there anything it could be in the spot ware side, it's not worked since 19th March?
20 Feb 2021, 16:35
jayteasuk said:
Is the tick data that is delivered on the API 2.0 connection the same data as the API 1.0
reason i ask is that there doesnt seem to be as much information returned, somtimes gaps of minutes and i used to see many ticks a second on the old feed
Thank you
Would a tick occcur when any transaction is made at that price or when the price changes?
27 Jan 2021, 14:01
resolved - needed to generate new key with permission to account
12 Jan 2021, 08:37
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk,
Please note that the timestamp delta (and all deltas in general) is the distance from the previous tick and not from the first one. So to get the time for the last tick, you need to add all the deltas from the first one. Can you please confirm that this is how you do it?
Best Regards,
I have that working now thank you
11 Jan 2021, 19:01
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk
Your ProtoOAGetTickDataRes has a hasMore field. If this is set to true, it means that not all data have been sent and you need to request them again using the last timestamp as the new TO value. Execute this recursively until you receive all the data.
Best Regards,
ok i have pulled data from 11/16/2020 @ 11:32am to 11/16/2020 @ 12:32pm (UTC)
1605526364000 to 1605529964000
This returns 2,3290 rows containing 820 tickData entries
The expectation is this returns 1 hours worth of tick data for USDTRY
I have a hasMore: false at the end of the data which is what i would expect as its less then 100,000 rows and under 1 week of data, also confirms i received all the data
The minimum tick timestamp is -49997
This gives me a time range of 2020-11-16 12:31:50.000 to 2020-11-16 12:32:39.000
This gives me around 49 seconds of data, not the 1 hour i was expecting
I have tried another test pulling 11/15/2020 @ 12:32pm (UTC) to 11/16/2020 @ 12:32pm (UTC)
1605443520000 to 1605529964000
Expecting 24 hours of data
End of the file has hasMore: false
35,622 rows returned, containing 8,903 tickData entries
The minimum tick timestamp is -917027
This gives me a time range of 2020-11-16 12:17:23.000 to 2020-11-16 12:32:39.000
This gives me approx 15 minutes not the 24 hours i was expecting
Am i missing something from my calculations?
11 Jan 2021, 09:42
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk
Your ProtoOAGetTickDataRes has a hasMore field. If this is set to true, it means that not all data have been sent and you need to request them again using the last timestamp as the new TO value. Execute this recursively until you receive all the data.
Best Regards,
Thank you
Roughly what is the max rows/time period for requesting tick data
17 Nov 2020, 11:14
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk,
I don't think you can trade 100000 on these symbols. Try with lower volulmes. In any case, you need to receive ProtoOAExecutionType.ORDER_FILLED event in order for your order to be filled and see the position in cTrader. It doesn't seem you received such a message.
Best Regards,
thank you, reducing the volume worked.
when it was too low i got the message
ProtoMessage{OrderErrorResponse{errorCode:TRADING_BAD_VOLUME, description:Order volume 0.10 is smaller than group minVolume=1.00.}}
having looked at the symbol i see there is a category id, 2 in this case. Can i asume that these categories have the minVolume and some other useful information
Where can i get these details from the API
17 Nov 2020, 09:58
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk,
I do not see an ProtoOAExecutionType.ORDER_FILLED event indicating that the order was filled. Also from what I see the volume is 0. How do you expect an order with volume 0 to be filled?
Best Regards,
That's interesting that the executed volume is 0 however the volume in the order is 100,000 (0.01) which im using for all my test trades at the moment and they are working, apart from these symbols XPTUSD,XAUUSD,XPDUSD
here is an example of AUDUSD 100000 which has shown in the cTrader platform but also has an executed volume of 0
ctidTraderAccountId: 19137822
executionType: ORDER_ACCEPTED
position {
positionId: 55789145
tradeData {
symbolId: 5
volume: 0
tradeSide: BUY
guaranteedStopLoss: false
7: "TradingApiTest.CreateMarketOrderRequest"
swap: 0
price: 0
commission: 0
marginRate: 0
mirroringCommission: 0
guaranteedStopLoss: false
usedMargin: 0
15: 2
order {
orderId: 95487816
tradeData {
symbolId: 5
volume: 100000
tradeSide: BUY
openTimestamp: 1605599626204
guaranteedStopLoss: false
7: "TradingApiTest.CreateMarketOrderRequest"
orderType: MARKET
executedVolume: 0
utcLastUpdateTimestamp: 1605599626204
closingOrder: false
positionId: 55789145
relativeStopLoss: 8
relativeTakeProfit: 12
trailingStopLoss: false
isServerEvent: false
16 Nov 2020, 19:05
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk,
We need more information to check this further.
- Please confirm that you are using the same account in both cases. Please provide ctidTraderAccountId and trading account number.
- Please provide us the complete sequence of exchanged messages from ProtoOANewOrderReq until the ProtoOAExecutionEvent with ProtoOAExecutionType.ORDER_FILLED type indicating that the order was filled and the position opened.
- Some screenshots showing the account number and the fact that the position is missing
Best Regards,
I have just run another test to provide the details you need
hopefully this gives you what you need, i think its just this symbol thats the problem, all others appear in the ctrader windows frontend and in the ProtoOADealListReq
ctidTraderAccountId: 19137822
executionType: ORDER_ACCEPTED
position {
positionId: 55759886
tradeData {
symbolId: 73
volume: 0
tradeSide: BUY
guaranteedStopLoss: false
7: "TradingApiTest.CreateMarketOrderRequest"
swap: 0
price: 0
commission: 0
marginRate: 0
mirroringCommission: 0
guaranteedStopLoss: false
usedMargin: 0
15: 2
order {
orderId: 95441003
tradeData {
symbolId: 73
volume: 100000
tradeSide: BUY
openTimestamp: 1605546038638
guaranteedStopLoss: false
7: "TradingApiTest.CreateMarketOrderRequest"
orderType: MARKET
executedVolume: 0
utcLastUpdateTimestamp: 1605546038638
closingOrder: false
positionId: 55759886
relativeStopLoss: 80000
relativeTakeProfit: 120000
trailingStopLoss: false
isServerEvent: false
13 Nov 2020, 12:19
jayteasuk said:
i have an example of a trade being placed against symbol XPDUSD (on my demo account)
the response confirms the trade was successfully placed but it does not appear in the cTrader platform and is not returned by the ProtoOADealListReq
I only have one example at the moment but it doesnt matter how many times i place it, it never shows
executionType: ORDER_ACCEPTED
position {
positionId: 55644962
tradeData {
symbolId: 73
volume: 0
tradeSide: BUY
guaranteedStopLoss: false
7: "TradingApiTest.CreateMarketOrderRequest"
orderType: MARKET
please can i get some help with this query
11 Nov 2020, 22:46
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )
jayteasuk said:
i have been setting up API calls to lay trades and im testing this against my demo account
i started looking at new symbols outside of the top 5 common ones and i noticed when i set a test trade against XNGUSD the stop loss didnt set correctly on the cTrader platform but in the response i did get back confirmation of the relative stop loss amount
* copied and pasted from the output window
relativeStopLoss: 100
relativeTakeProfit: 150
trailingStopLoss: false
when i create a trade i dont set the market type it defaults to 'Market' i see there is a 'STOP_LOSS_TAKE_PROFIT' option
does this make a difference
why would this happen?
I have identified that the SL is relative to the pip position and have resolved this issue
31 Oct 2020, 22:48
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk,
The port is 5035, the same as for I am not sure which code are you referring to, if you are looking for open authentication instructions, check here.
Best Regards,
I got this sorted I hadn't realised my auth code needed renewing so had defaulted back to the demo auth code
Thanks for assisting
30 Oct 2020, 13:52
jayteasuk said:
I have managed to get oauth 2.0 working by using the .net winforms example
with my ctrader details (secret, client, token) it still returns the example account number
i believe this is because im calling URL and Port 5035
what should this be to go live and see my account details?
is that without a port number?
in relation to the auth code would this be the auth code from the playground area?
if not how would i get the correct auth code?
29 Oct 2020, 17:15
jayteasuk said:
I have managed to get oauth 2.0 working by using the .net winforms example
with my ctrader details (secret, client, token) it still returns the example account number
i believe this is because im calling URL and Port 5035
what should this be to go live and see my account details?
I connect by creating a TcpClient and set up a SslStream for remote certificate validation, connecting to I then call to CreateAppAuthorizationRequest, passing in my ClientId and my ClientSecret.
I then make a request for an account list by calling the CreateAccountListRequest passing in my token. The resulting message I receive contains one account id, with a status of demo.
...When I try I receive the folloeing message:
Received: ProtoMessage{GetAccountsByAccessTokenRes{ID: 19137822 Status: Demo
Received: ProtoMessage{ErrorResponse{errorCode:CANT_ROUTE_REQUEST, description:No environment connection}}
Received: ProtoMessage{ErrorResponse{errorCode:INVALID_REQUEST, description:Trading account is not authorized}}
This is what the documentation says:
CANT_ROUTE_REQUEST Connection to Server is lost or not supported.
INVALID_REQUEST Generic error. Usually used when the input value is incorrect.
When I comnnect using, I get the exact same output and error message.
08 Oct 2020, 09:27
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk,
I am not sure what do you mean. Can you please elaborate?
Best Regards,
I now have my api working to pull data on my accounts and pricing by using
for example
Im now ready to set up the process for submitting trades but ive not found a similar link like the above to do this in the same way through a query string that i can use on my SQL server
06 Oct 2020, 03:37
that worked thank you
now i have the profile information working through SQL server should it be possible to make use of the protocol buffers thrrugh the same method as well?
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk,
The sandbox environment is not supported anymore. Please use the production environment i.e.
Best Regards,
03 Oct 2020, 07:19
im trying to make my first connection using the below URL
where xxx is my access_token from the play area but im getting the below error
{"error":{"errorCode":"CH_ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID","description":"Invalid access token"}}
02 Oct 2020, 10:26
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi jayteasuk,
If you just want to use the application for your own purposes, you can generate a token using your application's playground and use it in your application.
Best Regards,
thanks im a little further now
so i have to refresh my access token
the token says expires_in => 2628000
what does this value represent?
08 Apr 2021, 11:51
i managed to resolve this by rebooting my server
PanagiotisCharalampous said: