24 Sep 2020, 16:31
Hi PanagiotisCharalampous,
I don't remember the exact value because the minimum of the strategy was $100 but my account is in €, so the values were not round. It was around €80 and it didn't work, I usually work with a 5% drawdown.
Please help me understand why it didn't work and why was I allowed to copy an strategy with $100 if that was not enough margin to operate within the strategy.
The image shows a series of trades being stopped out due to low margin. I really don't understand why this would happen. Please help, I'm new to Ctrader. Thanks
21 Sep 2020, 16:43
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )
Hi PanagiotisCharalampous,
Yes, I'm talking about the equity stop loss. It was set around 80euro, I don't remember exactly.
I received a contact from Ctrader explaining that all transactions were ended due to low margin. But why was I allowed to copy the strategy in the first place? I had more than the minimum required amount available to copy that strategy. It worked fine on the first days that the strategy was being copied, and it was actually quite profitable. Then it drained my account in a series of flawed trades, equity stop didn't work, the provider left the next day and now it's my fault?
I'm confused, this shouldn't have happened.
24 Sep 2020, 16:57
Hi PanagiotisCharalampous,
I'm telling you it was set around €80. It was not a round number s I can't remember precisely, but it was very close to €80 and now I have only €6.30. I wouldn't set the Equity stop to €6 on a €80+ account. No one would.
Okay, so there's a suggestion. There should be some kind of protection for that.