
19 Jul 2015, 08:58

Non-Aggregated Depth of Market

Dear Spotware,

I'm also EXTREMELY INTERESTED in having this functionality.

Thanks for your persistence in the face of very mixed messages, ODPipster, and thanks for that link.

Actual real-time view of the LPs book is critical and since you even offered to code it for them, I can not understand why Spotware has been so adament in their refusal to consider it.

Not having RT non-aggregated DOM is much like trading blindfolded. Having that data puts Retail Traders in a position only the Big Dogs currently enjoy.

PLEASE reconsider your position. ODPipster has been unnaturally patient. I can't imagine why an honest broker (ok, no laughing.....) would have any problem demonstrating this kind of transparency and transparency is what Spotware says they're all about, yes?


Merlin (SkypeID: merlinbrasil)


19 Jul 2015, 05:11

Hi Joe,

I'd love to see your code, thanks!





17 Jul 2015, 15:34

Instead of another bridge, why not just provide at least the working basics of the FIX Protocol for both LMAX and Dukascopy?


02 Jul 2015, 21:34


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

Indeed we store the details of the backtesting results for the best 20 passes only. However you can obtain the details of specific pass you would like to, by performing the following steps:

1) Click the Apply button on the specific pass. It will copy all pass settings to cBot instance and Backtesting tab.

2) Go to the Backtesting tab.

3) Click the Play button.

Backtesting will be performed based on the parameters of the pass. When backtesting is finished you will be able to analyse the results.

Regarding the drawdown filter we can recommend you to use a custom fitness function. More details can be found under the following link:




02 Jul 2015, 21:29


Hi Docotor

I'm also working with cAlgo, VelocityDB, etc.

Feel free to contact me via Skype: merlinbrasil


10 Jun 2015, 16:44


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

if you want to distinguish trades of your cBots we can recommend you to do the following: 

1) Use unique label or comment in the code of your cBots

2) Select the History tab.

3) Right click on any header of the columns shown in the History tab.

4) Tick the Label/Column Line by selecting it.

5) Click the Statement button. 

Now your exported report will contain labels/comments of your cBots.

We hope this helps.


Thanks! Worked perfectly, as advertised


09 Jun 2015, 18:15


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

The version is already specified in the About window. Please check again and let us know if there is no version in your cTrader.

There in OMF, Pepperstone, MaxFX

Not there in ThinkForex


07 Jun 2015, 10:45


supertrader9 said:

Metatrader 5 support GPU in conjunction of CPU to make optimisation faster. Had it not been for the no hedging rule, metatrader 5 would have taken off.

I was just thinking today about how slow the Optimization cycle is and how much faster it might be with CUDA support.

I'd love to see that implemented as it would speed up cBot development significantly.


