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29 Jul 2020, 11:54


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi netread2004,

Every account has an ID and a Trader Login (trading account number). They are both part of the ProtoOATrader message and this is how they are assosiated. See below ProtoOATrader definition and documentation.

message ProtoOATrader {
    required int64 ctidTraderAccountId = 1; // The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account.
    required int64 balance = 2; // Current account balance in cents (e.g. If USD 100.00 then value = 10000).
    optional int64 balanceVersion = 3; // Balance version used to identify the final balance. Increments each time when the trader's account balance is changed.
    optional int64 managerBonus = 4; // Amount of broker's bonus allocated to the account in cents.
    optional int64 ibBonus = 5; // Amount of introducing broker bonus allocated to the account cents.
    optional int64 nonWithdrawableBonus = 6; // Broker's bonus that cannot be withdrew from the account as cash.
    optional ProtoOAAccessRights accessRights = 7 [default = FULL_ACCESS]; // Access rights that an owner has to the account in cTrader platform. See ProtoOAAccessRights for details.
    required int64 depositAssetId = 8; // Deposit currency of the account.
    optional bool swapFree = 9; // If TRUE than account is Shariah compliant.
    optional uint32 leverageInCents = 10; // Account leverage (e.g. If leverage = 1:50 then value = 5000).
    optional ProtoOATotalMarginCalculationType totalMarginCalculationType = 11; // Margin computation type for the account (MAX, SUM, NET).
    optional uint32 maxLeverage = 12; // Maximum allowed leverage for the account. Used as validation when a Trader can change leverage value.
    optional bool frenchRisk = 13; // If TRUE then account is AMF compliant.
    optional int64 traderLogin = 14; // ID of the account that is unique per server (Broker).
    optional ProtoOAAccountType accountType = 15 [default = HEDGED]; // Account type: HEDGED, NETTED, etc.
    optional string brokerName = 16; // Some whitelabel assigned to trader by broker at the moment of account creation.
    optional int64 registrationTimestamp = 17; // Unix timestamp of the account registration. Should be used as minimal date in historical data requests.

Trader Login is the account number you see in cTrader. Account ID is used for Open API messages.

There is no document about sending FIX messages using Open API since this is not the purpose of Open API.

Best Regards,


Hi Mr.Panagiotis,

I have the same trouble. Can you guide me to find my _apiHost, _apiPort and _accountID?

Thank you!
