11 Sep 2024, 10:23
25 Apr 2023, 15:47
05 Oct 2022, 09:03
04 Aug 2022, 21:07

06 Nov 2024, 07:23 ( Updated at: 06 Nov 2024, 07:59 )

same here

same here, no starting local cbot, no backtesting and no optimization possible since 4-11-2024

Indicators will not start either!!
even Sample EMA will not display anything
System is totally broken. 
So I Closed cTrader,  Cleared the cTrader cache and Restarted cTrader

Starting up cTrader takes more than 3 minutes before splashscreen goes away, more than a minute nothing and then finally ctrader opens.

Now sample EMA shows a line.
I can start an optimization run. and stop it. it reports back the pass has stoppe (red cross)
Try to start it again.
Testing EMA again. Sample Ema will not start (will not even report my  Print(this +" Howdy"); in Initialize() )

So i'm back to square 1; Nothing works!!!


04 Nov 2024, 14:01

RE: Play back button freezing

phill.beaney said: 

I have exactly the same problem, just started happening this morning. I can only run one back test and then play button freezes. Restarting ctrader allows you to run one back test then play button freezes but everything else on the screen still seems active.

same sort of problem here.
optimization ran for about 80 runs and then freezed. gave error it couldn't find some optimization log file on everey run


04 Nov 2024, 13:55 ( Updated at: 04 Nov 2024, 14:03 )

RE: can't choose account/symbol/perdiod when adding instance

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

There was maintenance taking place during the weekend, therefore disconnections are expected.

Best regards,


At that time there was no mention of maintenence taking place. Furthermore, I could log-in to an account this morning but now, while trying to add a second instance the problem (as we speak) is back again!!!!!
Or is  maintenance  taking place again???


03 Nov 2024, 09:24 ( Updated at: 03 Nov 2024, 09:25 )

RE: Info | [Init] Not enough bars to calculate EMAs. Required: 400, Available: 200. Bot will stop.

missing delete function of your own posts in this forum.


03 Nov 2024, 09:23 ( Updated at: 03 Nov 2024, 09:25 )

it's not friendly but it's not rude!

This issue is as old as cTrader, Note enough bars in backtesting or way too much bars in other situations.
While a Marketdata.getbars(timeframe, numberOfBars) would solve all these issues of bots needing more historicle data to analyze or less data for memory stress.

Why cTrader is deaf to these easy to solve cryouts from developers is a BIG mistery to all of us!


07 Sep 2024, 12:59

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Very simple issue

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

tuuguu177 said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

tuuguu177 said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

No this is not possible at the moment.

Best regards,



How to make line into transparent at coding?

Hi there,

You need to set make your line's color transparent by setting the alpha to 0. See below

var color = Color.FromArgb(0,255,0,0); 

Best regards,



Is 4th transparency value? I changed 4th value with 0 and 90. But there is not any change of line transparency

the first one, which determines the alpha

use LineColor="00000000" // first 2 is transparancy


06 Sep 2024, 14:02

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: using Bar collection and indicators (eg DMS) in background job.

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Shares4us said: 

No there isn't

may I ask why?  ctrader itself uses headless indicators and bots in back testing and optimisation . Would be nice if we could use this to!

There is no specific reason. Such a feature is just not implemented. Also you asked about accessing plugins and backtesting, not cBots and indicators

You’re right. Indicators and bots was related to the initial question.


06 Sep 2024, 14:02

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: using Bar collection and indicators (eg DMS) in background job.

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Shares4us said: 

No there isn't

may I ask why?  ctrader itself uses headless indicators and bots in back testing and optimisation . Would be nice if we could use this to!

There is no specific reason. Such a feature is just not implemented. Also you asked about accessing plugins and backtesting, not cBots and indicators

You’re right. Indicators and bots was related to the initial question.


06 Sep 2024, 11:11

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: using Bar collection and indicators (eg DMS) in background job.

No there isn't

may I ask why?  ctrader itself uses headless indicators and bots in back testing and optimisation . Would be nice if we could use this to!


06 Sep 2024, 11:11

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: using Bar collection and indicators (eg DMS) in background job.

No there isn't

may I ask why?  ctrader itself uses headless indicators and bots in back testing and optimisation . Would be nice if we could use this to!


05 Sep 2024, 13:33

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: using Bar collection and indicators (eg DMS) in background job.

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Shares4us said: 

I have a backgroundworker that needs to use some indicators(eg DMS) while running calculating some MTF bars.
The values of the indicators are to be used in the backgroundcalculations and the indicators should preferably be local to the static backgroundworker.
Usage like var O = Bars[10].Open;
and like
var  RS = Indicators.RelativeStrengthIndex(closePrices, entry.14);
var I DM = Indicators.DirectionalMovementSystem(entry.14);

How to achieve that without invoking the main thread?

You can't. If you need data from the Bars object, you need to work on the main thread.

Ok. Related Question. Is there a way to start a Plugin from an indicator or Cbot. Alternate: can i start  Backtesting (from plugin) in Indicator/Cbot?


26 Aug 2024, 10:03

RE: RE: RE: using Bar collection and indicators (eg DMS) in background job.

I have a backgroundworker that needs to use some indicators(eg DMS) while running calculating some MTF bars.
The values of the indicators are to be used in the backgroundcalculations and the indicators should preferably be local to the static backgroundworker.
Usage like var O = Bars[10].Open;
and like
var  RS = Indicators.RelativeStrengthIndex(closePrices, entry.14);
var I DM = Indicators.DirectionalMovementSystem(entry.14);

How to achieve that without invoking the main thread?


23 Aug 2024, 15:28 ( Updated at: 23 Aug 2024, 17:18 )

RE: using Bar collection and indicators (eg DMS) in background job.

Ofcourse, sorry for being that brief.
I have a backgroundworker that needs to use some indicators while running calculating some MTF bars. the values of the indicators are be used in the backgroundcalculations and the indicators should preferably be local to the backgroundworker (static)



23 Aug 2024, 11:42

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Bars can only fetch latest 200 bars

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

This method does not work on backtesting at the moment. If you need more bars for backtesting, you can start your bactesting at a previous date.

That's not a good solution you will have to change your code just for the sake of backtesting & optimizing if you use duration based calculations.


23 Aug 2024, 11:38

if(Positions.Count > 0) 


02 Nov 2023, 20:50

it's a bug somewhere in ctrader.automate 1.0.8
It does not write to the correct directory:

1>BarneyStructureBreaks -> C:\Users\xx\Documents\cAlgo\Sources\Indicators\MyBot \MyBot \bin\Debug\net6.0\MyBot .dll
1>BarneyStructureBreaks -> C:\Users\xx\Documents\cAlgo\Sources\Indicators\MyBot \MyBot \bin\Debug\net6.0\MyBot .algo
1>MyBot -> \MyBot .algo

just  uninstall 1.0.8 (tools/nuget package manager …)
Then install 1.0.7
and your ouput wil look like:
1>BarneyStructureBreaks -> C:\Users\xx\Documents\cAlgo\Sources\Indicators\MyBot \MyBot \bin\Debug\net6.0\MyBot .dll
1>BarneyStructureBreaks -> C:\Users\xx\Documents\cAlgo\Sources\Indicators\MyBot \MyBot \bin\Debug\net6.0\MyBot .algo
1>MyBot ->  C:\Users\xx\Documents\cAlgo\Sources\Indicators\MyBot .algo

Works for me!


19 Sep 2023, 22:21

RE: VS2022 debugging works in vs Automate 1.0.7 but fails to start in 1.0.8

PanagiotisChar said: 

Hi Share4us,

It works fine for me. What exactly doesn't work?

Debugger.Launch() does not get triggered in 1.0.8.
Same Code works in 1.07


14 Sep 2023, 20:18

RE: RE: Figured out!

revert to cTrader.Automate 1.0.7 (Nuget)
That worked for me.


31 Jul 2023, 07:19


Hi Panagiotis. Are you sure? Does that make sense?

I mean, If a sell position is triggered on BID and closes on ASK, doesn't it make more sense that the stop loss is calculated on ASK as well? Otherwise it risks setting the stop loss inside of the spread, which means the position would either be immediatelly closed if the stop loss pips is lower than the spread or it simply won't have a SL. 

I think it doesn't make sense.
Maybe spotware should add another prop called StoplossFixed that includes the spread when evaluating.
We now try to overcome this by setting the cTrader SL for shorts inclusive an ‘expected spread’ (for double safety ;-)) and checking it realtime(ontick) in the program.
I know it's not beautifull but it helps a bit.


19 Jul 2023, 11:45

Spotware said:

Dear trader,

Please let us know which version of cTrader you use.

Best regards,

cTrader Team

cTrader 4.8.15

cTrader.Automate 1.0.8
