
15 Sep 2020, 20:03

There are 3 ways for you:

- Try to keep your time complexity does not exceed O(n^3) and reduce n for your problem, 

- Or try another approaching. 

- Or use a very expensive CPU :D


15 Sep 2020, 19:58

If you use cTrader with C#, you should learn C#

If you use MTx with Mql, you should learn C++

You always need to find some programming tutorials to learn the above languages and sharpen your skill.

It's your choice.

In my opinion, I like cTrader and I feel it easier to code.

If you want sth popular, head to MQL.



05 Apr 2020, 14:12

I cannot draw text to chart anymore
var txt = IndicatorArea.DrawText("txt", "EURUSD1", index + 3, 1, Color.Orange);


It's not work anymore!
