
06 Feb 2020, 11:29


GlenHendriks said:

GlenHendriks said:

Coming back to this original issue. I see that the drawings were not dissapearing but actually all defaulted to a white color (when previously I had them all colored red, purple or blue) whenever I switched between accounts or workspaces. Causing them to totally blend in with my white background.

The thing is, this happens sporadically and not every single time I switch either account or chart layout. However it remains highly inconvenient when it does happen. 


Indeed the drawings are saved but not displayed. In this case just two trendlines out of many others. But not because of having the same color as the background, just not being shown. Any hints?



05 Feb 2020, 14:10

RE: issue with drawings disappearing

Hi Rishabh & Glen

Having the same issues.. you guys found a way to save the chart drawings?


03 Feb 2020, 10:34


Thanks Panagiotis!
