
26 Nov 2012, 08:09

am awaiting for this feature patiently :)

am awaiting for this feature patiently :)


10 Nov 2012, 01:38

SpotTrader said:
scalptastic said:

hi support; how does the cTrader server side handle the limit orders?

do they get routed to the ECN straight away? if so; how does it decide what Liquidity provider to route to?

PS: I read in a forum that MT4 server keeps limit orders in the server side; and once the market reach that level; they send Fill or Kill order to the ECN / Exchange.


I think in MT4 is even worse, i.e. you cant really send Limit to LP, its re-translated to markets (!!!). I.e. slippage can occur on Limits, which is rediqulous. Which is not the case with cTrader (?).

Had a talk with LiquidMarkets, they say Limit can be executed at a price or better. NOT worse like in mt4.

If the above is correct, I am totally cool to keep limit at cTrader level (at least no margin will be taken)
am still keen for cTrader support to answer the question. otherwise a live test order can do the trick


24 Oct 2012, 18:49

admin said:

Error is an Enum type and you can use it to identify which was the error.

For example you can use this statement:

            switch (error.Code)


                    case ErrorCode.BadVolume: Print("Bad Volume");


                    case ErrorCode.TechnicalError:Print("Technical Error");


                    case ErrorCode.NoMoney: Print("No Money");


                    case ErrorCode.Disconnected: Print("Disconnected");


                    case ErrorCode.MarketClosed: Print("Market Closed");



If the error is technical then there is a problem with ModifyPosition.

We will add more event handlers very soon, including one to handle the position having been modified. Stay tuned!



good to hear thanks; i am waiting :)
i think it is also important to block the modify, cancel and close position calls; until they come back. otherwise; we; developers have to write plenty of code to do the same thing.
or perhaps provide an option to block the call or not.


23 Oct 2012, 11:32

admin said:

The event OnError is triggered if the operation is not successful.


protected override void OnError(Error error)


Print("There has been an Error");




how do I know if the error is related to the modify request and not something else.
is there other ways of checking that the order was modified successfully? i.e. will the order characterstics (SL, TP) change after I submit the modify request; or after the modify request has been accepted?
for a serious trading system; it is important you provide acks for new orders, modify request and cancel request; and also rejects for each.
otherwise; i must say that it is impossible to write a trading system using this platform.



18 Oct 2012, 23:54

admin said:
scalptastic said:

hi guys; just had a chance to demo the cTrader platform. it is great; and user friendly.

is there an API to connect to cAlgo or cTrader from external apps; such as Java or C++?

i have a legacy algo app that I need to keep running for the moment; while exploring the new platform.




This is beyond our scope at the moment but you may implement such functionality with cAlgo using the System.NET namespace.

Great. is it possible to interface cAlgo with custom .NET DLLs? i.e. I am interested to write a TCP/IP comms so I can send orders through.
also; can I access existing .NET libraries installed in the PC?
