
Username: fabrizioascani
Member since: 23 Aug 2019
Last login: 23 Aug 2019
Status: Active


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Last Algorithm Comments

fabrizioascani · 4 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion.
To me the run does not give problems.
I started some tests and it's better.
for the optimization do you have any suggestions for the minimum and maximum values (and step) of the parameters?

Grazie per il suggerimento.
A me il run non da problemi.
Ho iniziato qualche prova e va meglio.
per l'ottimizzazione hai qualche suggerimento per i valori minimi e massimi (e passo) dei parametri?


fabrizioascani · 4 years ago

I test (same parameters):
From 21/5/18 to 21/11/18: OK (same result of the sample)
Profict Factor 4.06, Drawdown 5,91%
From 21/11/18 to 21/5/18: KO
Profict Factor 0, Drawdown 19,19% (Profict < 0)

From 8/2/11 to 21/5/18: KO
Profict Factor 1.05, Drawdown 34,45%
Any suggestions for the parameters set?


fabrizioascani · 4 years ago

"Error CS0612: 'cAlgo.API.Robot.Trade' is obsolete"

to me is a Warning:
Error CS0612: 'cAlgo.API.Robot.Trade' is obsolete


Error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'long'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) 

may you fix so?
 long NewVolume = (long)Symbol.NormalizeVolumeInUnits(FirstLot + FirstLot * Positions.Count, RoundingMode.ToNearest);
