
04 Nov 2019, 19:15

OK, what can we do if there is right code to write and read but we get "04/11/2019 20: 10: 21.934 | RK RENKO v9, EURUSD, Re10 | Crashed in OnStop with SecurityException: Permission request of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089' failed."?


30 Oct 2019, 17:39

Ok, still not sure how to use it..

When I copy the egsample then I've got" Error : No algo source file was found in "ReadWriteCsv.csproj"".

When I just use some of this code at the end when the program stops as"

         protected override void OnStop()
            using (var streamWriter = File.CreateText("123.csv"))
                var writer = new CsvWriter(streamWriter);


Then I ve got Error CS0246: saying that there is no CsvWriter. despite the fact that I have on the beginning of my robot

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;


How it should be done to be able to save this file?


12 Sep 2019, 20:20

Hi, how to set corner in  Chart.DrawText method?

public ChartText DrawText(string name, string text, DateTime time, double y, Color color) for example:  Chart.DrawText("text", "test", ?,?, Color.White); It used to be StaticPosition, what can I use now?


12 Sep 2019, 18:48

cause of Print method. The right code below



using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Indicators
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class PRCD1 : Indicator
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 2.0, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 4)]
        public int degree { get; set; }

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 120)]
        public int period { get; set; }

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 1.62)]
        public double strdDev { get; set; }

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 2)]
        public double strdDev2 { get; set; }

        [Output("PRC", Color = Colors.Gray)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries prc { get; set; }

        [Output("SQH", Color = Colors.Red)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries sqh { get; set; }

        [Output("SQL", Color = Colors.Blue)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries sql { get; set; }

        [Output("SQL2", Color = Colors.Blue)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries sql2 { get; set; }

        [Output("SQH2", Color = Colors.Red)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries sqh2 { get; set; }

        private double[,] ai = new double[10, 10];
        private double[] b = new double[10];
        private double[] x = new double[10];
        private double[] sx = new double[10];
        private double sum;
        private int ip;
        private int p;
        private int n;
        private int f;
        private double qq;
        private double mm;
        private double tt;
        private int ii;
        private int jj;
        private int kk;
        private int ll;
        private int nn;
        private double sq;
        private double sq2;
        private int i0 = 0;
        private int mi;

        public MarketSeries TF;
        public IndicatorDataSeries TFF;

        protected override void Initialize()
            TF = MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Daily);

        public override void Calculate(int index)

            var index24h = GetIndexByDate(TF, MarketSeries.OpenTime[index]);
            if (index24h != -1)

                ip = period;
                p = ip;
                sx[1] = p + 1;
                nn = degree + 1;
                for (mi = 1; mi <= nn * 2 - 2; mi++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (n = i0; n <= i0 + p; n++)
                        sum += Math.Pow(n, mi);
                    sx[mi + 1] = sum;
                for (mi = 1; mi <= nn; mi++)
                    sum = 0.0;
                    for (n = i0; n <= i0 + p; n++)
                        if (mi == 1)
                            sum += TF.Close[index24h - n];
                            // before   sum += MarketSeries.Close[index - n];
                            sum += TF.Close[index24h - n] * Math.Pow(n, mi - 1);
                        // before  sum += MarketSeries.Close[index - n] * Math.Pow(n, mi - 1);
                    b[mi] = sum;
                for (jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
                    for (ii = 1; ii <= nn; ii++)
                        kk = ii + jj - 1;
                        ai[ii, jj] = sx[kk];
                for (kk = 1; kk <= nn - 1; kk++)
                    ll = 0;
                    mm = 0;
                    for (ii = kk; ii <= nn; ii++)
                        if (Math.Abs(ai[ii, kk]) > mm)
                            mm = Math.Abs(ai[ii, kk]);
                            ll = ii;
                    if (ll == 0)
                    if (ll != kk)
                        for (jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
                            tt = ai[kk, jj];
                            ai[kk, jj] = ai[ll, jj];
                            ai[ll, jj] = tt;
                        tt = b[kk];
                        b[kk] = b[ll];
                        b[ll] = tt;
                    for (ii = kk + 1; ii <= nn; ii++)
                        qq = ai[ii, kk] / ai[kk, kk];
                        for (jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
                            if (jj == kk)
                                ai[ii, jj] = 0;
                                ai[ii, jj] = ai[ii, jj] - qq * ai[kk, jj];
                        b[ii] = b[ii] - qq * b[kk];
                x[nn] = b[nn] / ai[nn, nn];
                for (ii = nn - 1; ii >= 1; ii--)
                    tt = 0;
                    for (jj = 1; jj <= nn - ii; jj++)
                        tt = tt + ai[ii, ii + jj] * x[ii + jj];
                        x[ii] = (1 / ai[ii, ii]) * (b[ii] - tt);
                sq = 0.0;
                sq2 = 0.0;
                for (n = i0; n <= i0 + p; n++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (kk = 1; kk <= degree; kk++)
                        sum += x[kk + 1] * Math.Pow(n, kk);
                    prc[index - n] = (x[1] + sum);
                    sq += Math.Pow(TF.Close[index24h - n] - prc[index - n], 2);
                    //before      sq += Math.Pow(MarketSeries.Close[index - n] - prc[index - n], 2);
                    sq2 += Math.Pow(TF.Close[index24h - n] - prc[index - n], 2);
                    //before    sq2 += Math.Pow(MarketSeries.Close[index - n] - prc[index - n], 2);
                sq = Math.Sqrt(sq / (p + 1)) * strdDev;
                sq2 = Math.Sqrt(sq2 / (p + 1)) * strdDev2;
                for (n = i0; n <= i0 + p; n++)
                    sqh[index - n] = (prc[index - n] + sq);
                    sql[index - n] = (prc[index - n] - sq);
                    sqh2[index - n] = (prc[index - n] + sq2);
                    sql2[index - n] = (prc[index - n] - sq2);

//just to check the price point
            Print("d1 sql ", sql);
            Print("d1 sql2 ", sql2);
            Print("d1 sqh ", sqh);
            Print("d1 sqh2 ", sqh2);

        private int GetIndexByDate(MarketSeries series, DateTime time)
            for (int i = series.Close.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (time == series.OpenTime[i])
                    return i;
            return -1;


12 Sep 2019, 10:20

There is PRC indicator which works fine, all I have changed is timeframe. I paste oryginal code below and I underline the part that has been changed by me. When I launch it on any time frame it works (shows correct D1 price levels) but not on m1.


using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Indicators
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class PRCD1 : Indicator
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 2.0, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 4)]
        public int degree { get; set; }

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 120)]
        public int period { get; set; }

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 1.62)]
        public double strdDev { get; set; }

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 2)]
        public double strdDev2 { get; set; }

        [Output("PRC", Color = Colors.Gray)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries prc { get; set; }

        [Output("SQH", Color = Colors.Red)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries sqh { get; set; }

        [Output("SQL", Color = Colors.Blue)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries sql { get; set; }

        [Output("SQL2", Color = Colors.Blue)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries sql2 { get; set; }

        [Output("SQH2", Color = Colors.Red)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries sqh2 { get; set; }

        private double[,] ai = new double[10, 10];
        private double[] b = new double[10];
        private double[] x = new double[10];
        private double[] sx = new double[10];
        private double sum;
        private int ip;
        private int p;
        private int n;
        private int f;
        private double qq;
        private double mm;
        private double tt;
        private int ii;
        private int jj;
        private int kk;
        private int ll;
        private int nn;
        private double sq;
        private double sq2;
        private int i0 = 0;
        private int mi;

        public MarketSeries TF;
        public IndicatorDataSeries TFF;

        protected override void Initialize()
            TF = MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Daily);

        public override void Calculate(int index)

            var index24h = GetIndexByDate(TF, MarketSeries.OpenTime[index]);
            if (index24h != -1)

                ip = period;
                p = ip;
                sx[1] = p + 1;
                nn = degree + 1;
                for (mi = 1; mi <= nn * 2 - 2; mi++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (n = i0; n <= i0 + p; n++)
                        sum += Math.Pow(n, mi);
                    sx[mi + 1] = sum;
                for (mi = 1; mi <= nn; mi++)
                    sum = 0.0;
                    for (n = i0; n <= i0 + p; n++)
                        if (mi == 1)
                            sum += TF.Close[index24h - n];    // before   sum += MarketSeries.Close[index - n];
                            sum += TF.Close[index24h - n] * Math.Pow(n, mi - 1); // before  sum += MarketSeries.Close[index - n] * Math.Pow(n, mi - 1);
                    b[mi] = sum;
                for (jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
                    for (ii = 1; ii <= nn; ii++)
                        kk = ii + jj - 1;
                        ai[ii, jj] = sx[kk];
                for (kk = 1; kk <= nn - 1; kk++)
                    ll = 0;
                    mm = 0;
                    for (ii = kk; ii <= nn; ii++)
                        if (Math.Abs(ai[ii, kk]) > mm)
                            mm = Math.Abs(ai[ii, kk]);
                            ll = ii;
                    if (ll == 0)
                    if (ll != kk)
                        for (jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
                            tt = ai[kk, jj];
                            ai[kk, jj] = ai[ll, jj];
                            ai[ll, jj] = tt;
                        tt = b[kk];
                        b[kk] = b[ll];
                        b[ll] = tt;
                    for (ii = kk + 1; ii <= nn; ii++)
                        qq = ai[ii, kk] / ai[kk, kk];
                        for (jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
                            if (jj == kk)
                                ai[ii, jj] = 0;
                                ai[ii, jj] = ai[ii, jj] - qq * ai[kk, jj];
                        b[ii] = b[ii] - qq * b[kk];
                x[nn] = b[nn] / ai[nn, nn];
                for (ii = nn - 1; ii >= 1; ii--)
                    tt = 0;
                    for (jj = 1; jj <= nn - ii; jj++)
                        tt = tt + ai[ii, ii + jj] * x[ii + jj];
                        x[ii] = (1 / ai[ii, ii]) * (b[ii] - tt);
                sq = 0.0;
                sq2 = 0.0;
                for (n = i0; n <= i0 + p; n++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (kk = 1; kk <= degree; kk++)
                        sum += x[kk + 1] * Math.Pow(n, kk);
                    prc[index - n] = (x[1] + sum);
                    sq += Math.Pow(TF.Close[index24h - n] - prc[index - n], 2);     //before      sq += Math.Pow(MarketSeries.Close[index - n] - prc[index - n], 2);
                    sq2 += Math.Pow(TF.Close[index24h - n] - prc[index - n], 2);    //before    sq2 += Math.Pow(MarketSeries.Close[index - n] - prc[index - n], 2);
                sq = Math.Sqrt(sq / (p + 1)) * strdDev;
                sq2 = Math.Sqrt(sq2 / (p + 1)) * strdDev2;
                for (n = i0; n <= i0 + p; n++)
                    sqh[index - n] = (prc[index - n] + sq);
                    sql[index - n] = (prc[index - n] - sq);
                    sqh2[index - n] = (prc[index - n] + sq2);
                    sql2[index - n] = (prc[index - n] - sq2);


//just to check the price point
            double sqld1 = Convert.ToDouble(sql.LastValue);
            double sql2d1 = Convert.ToDouble(sql2.LastValue);
            double sqhd1 = Convert.ToDouble(sqh.LastValue);
            double sqh2d1 = Convert.ToDouble(sqh2.LastValue);
            double prclined1 = Convert.ToDouble(prc.LastValue);

            Print("d1 sql ", sqld1);
            Print("d1 sql2 ", sql2d1);
            Print("d1 sqh ", sqhd1);
            Print("d1 sqh2 ", sqh2d1);


                private int GetIndexByDate(MarketSeries series, DateTime time)
            for (int i = series.Close.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (time == series.OpenTime[i])
                    return i;
            return -1;

